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drawing, instrument -

Today, I am going to start on a new silly book project. It seemed like a good a time as any to focus more on book writing. A such, some of the supply lines are going to drop a bit.I am just going to try not to make the new book a little bit long. Brother person is on vacation as such he is not going to read it till he gets back. It is going to be one of those scary movie books. Hopefully, it will be nice and hip. I might even write a zombie book. I am...

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drawing, instrument -

The Firebird Trumpet is a variant form the regular trumpet. It was the favorite instrument of a Jazz musician. He was called Dizzy Gillespie. He ended up creating his own by leaning against his own trumpet. This is at least what my Jazz teacher used to say. It was based on a book with Jazz players telling silly stories of their past. I think this is enough about the silly musical instrument. I am still working on my Virgin Mary painting. It is taking a pretty long time to complete. I am now working on the skin portion of the...

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drawing, instrument -

I have been sleeping for a bit of a long time. I finally got around to waking up. I got a good lead for a job. Hopefully, things will go well. If not, I am going to go back to working on the website a bit. For the time being, I hope you like my new silly anime drawing and the like. It features a maiden playing a Hindu instrument. Hindu people have plenty of cool musical instruments. I think this is about it as far as most things go.

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drawing, instrument -

This is another one of my cute anime drawings. It features a maiden playing a weird flute instrument. I was just going down on the list of nonsense. It seemed like an easy instrument to draw. As such, I went for it. There are others that are not too inspiring. I need to create more drawings for this little series. People in Deviant Art seem to like it. I suppose it is something nobody has done before. It is good exercise and the like. As of lately, I was making a new fancy painting. It is going to be of...

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drawing, instrument -

The hurricane is finally has started moving at a snail pace. I have been thinking a little bit about making one of those coloring books.  I am good at making line arts. It can an easy job to make a fancy little book. The book could just be 40 or 50 pages long. This is the usual length of coloring books. By making it shorter, I can cut down on the prices per page. There is also the material of the book to consider. The pages need to be easy to draw on. Mother person is being a little bratty...

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