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My New December Pokemon Drawings, Watercolor Paintings and Patterns
I made a series of little drawings. I do not get to do as many as before. I am always busy with something or other. I try my best as all. There are already videos of these drawings in my Artsy Sister Youtube channel. Please do give a like and subscribe. The first couple of drawings are just pokemon fanarts. I made some henna, zentagle and spirograph patterns. They were nothing too complicated. The final painting was a watercolor front cover I made for my new book. I hope you find it amusing. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy...
My New Sci Fi Front Cover
I made a new front cover. It is for a sci fi book that is going to be published soon. I felt that it was a good a time as any to make the front cover. I went for a nice Sci Fi look. I wanted to show that the protagonist was a cyborg. I could say more. I want to wait for the book to get published before saying more. For now, just enjoy the front cover of this book. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.
Three Mixed Media Landscape Art
I made three mixed media landscapes. I used watercolors, crayons and coloring pencils. I used Marabu Landscape liquid and landscape bundles. From these sets, I made use of the crayons, coloring pencils, ink bottles and brushes. The brushes I first filled with water. I then dipped them in the ink a little bit, before painting. By squeezing the brushes, you add more water to the tip. This saves you the trouble of having to dip the pen every so often. It is time to talk about each artwork in specific. The first thing I painted was a forest. I started...
Self Portraits: Julius Bissier and Peter Ondreička Style
I made two new self-portraits. Both were made with watercolors, pencil and ink. I first drew the lineart. Afterwards, I traced over it with pen. I erased the pencil lines before adding the watercolors. I made a video of both paintings. You can see them both in Tiktok and Youtube. I am going to write about each painting in specific. Julius Bissier was a German painter. He fought in the first World War. He was a self-taught artist. The bulk of his work are abstract paintings. To make this self-portrait, I found one of his few artworks that feature a...
Self Portraits: Otto Dix and Eyvind Earle Style Watercolor
I made two new sets of watercolor paintings. I first drew it with pencil. I traced over it with ink. I erased the pencil lines, before adding the watercolors. The ink helps me control the watercolor paints. The first painting mimics the style of Otto Dix. He was a German painter who survived through two world wars. Most of his work are landscape and portraits. After both wors, he got into making religious and post war suffering paintings. I chose this simple painting to do my self-portrait. I found a photo of myself in a red dress. All that...