anime girl RSS

anime girl, art, drawing -

Today is a relatively nice day so far. The weather is not good for heading out. As of late, I have been feeling a bit homely. There isn’t a place that I particularly want to do to. The issue is that we picked our furniture for comfort. As such, when you sit down on the sofa, you are pretty much glued to it. Still, I do get up from time to time. Today is clean up time. My people tend to clean the house every Saturday. This leaves plenty of time on Sunday to just do whatever. Normally, I hear...

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anime girl, cute -

This is another one of my new anime drawings. I am still doing a bit of research for my next painting. I think I will now have Alice underwater. I do not want to do a coral reef cliché. I also do not want to make the image too dark. If I have her in the deep, she will be in a black panel, surrounded by bioluminescence fishes. Fishes are ever so interesting. I tend to watch a lot of documentaries about fishes. I also like seeing shows about interesting looking houses. From time to time, I recognized certain places....

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anime girl, drawing -

This is about my new anime drawing and the like. The drawing is relatively old. I am still planning my new painting. Then again, yesterday I felt like working on my manga. My brother has also been working on it as well. We had a bit of a problem with it. Brother waited a long time before getting around to it. As such, when he started writing the dialogue, nobody could remember what the characters were saying. In the end, we had to make something up. I lost some of my story notes in the move. Don’t you just hate...

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anime, anime girl, drawing, vicotiran -

This is one of my many cute maidens in pretty dresses. Since I was little, I used to fill up my notebook with crude renditions of maidens in cute dresses. None of these notebooks survived the moves. Now, I finally have enough space to have something that resembles an artist studio. My house has an extra room that we ended up turning into an office, slash studio. I rarely hang out there because the lighting there is rather weak. It is mainly for storage purposes. The light is pretty strong in the main room of the house. I get plenty...

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anime, anime girl, book, kida, manga, the furies -

This is one of my recent pages of the manga The Furies. It features Kida getting dressed for a Hindu Wedding. She is in a foul mood because we did not animated her traditional Greek Wedding. When I say Greek, I refer to the Greeks of yonder times, not the modern day chaste Greeks. Greeks these days are but a shadow of their more entertaining selves.  As you can tell, the wedding dress has plenty of small details. I did a lot of research before crafting this dress. Its supposed to be red, but the manga is in black and...

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