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fanart, hollow knight, painting -

It is a bit early for Valentines Day but whatever. I made a new fanart with a bit of romance. The winner of the poll was 50 first dates. I made Quirrel and Hornet as a mating pair. I like featuring them together in fanarts. Anyhow, Hornet got brain damaged after her fight against the Hollow Knight. So, now she has memory problems. Quirrel ends up dating her 50 times. Talk about persistence. I am happy that this is the one that won. This is one of my favorite Adam Sandler movies. They are always an easy watch, even the...

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painting, pouring -

I made new pouring arts on paper. It makes it easy to store. It is interesting moving the paints about. The drying situation is a bit problematic, but manageable.  It is all about storing the paper with enough room beneath. This allows the it to dry easily. There really isn’t much else these new paintings of mine. There is going to be a video of these artworks in my Artsy Sister Youtube channel. Please give a like and subscribe. 

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fanart, hollow knight, painting -

I did a new Hollow knight fanart. Someone in the discord told me to that they wanted a fanart of the movie Super Bad. I never saw the film. So, I just got the front cover and replaced the three main characters. Since they were dudes, I couldn’t do the mantis lords. It would have been hilarious if it was then. Anyhow, there is going to be a video of this fanart in my Artsy Sister Youtube channel. Please give a like and subscribe. 

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fanart, hollow knight, painting -

I did a new hollow knight poll. The winner of it was Napoleon Dynamite. I decided to make him Quirrel. Quirrel Dynamite.  It has a nice ring to it. He lived with the Jellyfishes. So, he knows how to make stuff go boom. Anyhow, this is all the stupid ideas that went into the making of the fanart.  In the background, I added some of the locker room graffiti that was in the poster. The others are the Grey Mourner, Sly, the Little Fool and Emilitia.  I tried to match the style of graffiti. I think it came out decent...

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painting, pouring -

I did new pouring art. I hope that it makes you smile. I did a good number of paintings since I am trying to use up all my pouring paints. I have a lot more than what I first though. It all works just as well. I am a little bit too stingy with throwing away the paints. I will deal with it when I deal with it. I have been brainstorming new painting and drawing projects here and there. I also need to work up the energy to finish my latest comic project. There are videos of these paintings...

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