Hollow Knight The Mystery of the Fluke Hermit’s Smile Mona Lisa Painting Parody

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Hollow Knight The Mystery of the Fluke Hermit’s Smile Mona Lisa Painting Parody

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Today, I got around to finishing my latest Hollow Knight parody. It was about time I poked fun at the Mona Lisa. It is the most famous painting in the world.

It is also the one everyone parodies. So, here is my version. I chose the fluke hermit because she is just a mouth.

With no eyes or nose, all you can do is focus on her mouth. I added the teeth into her smile. It is funny to imagine what the Mona Lisa’s teeth would look like.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, mona lisa parody

Back then, humans didn’t have good dental hygiene. In places like China, blackening your teeth was the norm.

The point that I am making is that there is a reason why nobody showed their teeth in Renaissance paintings.

Even the rich people had crooked teeth. For those who have been living under a rock, the Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, mona lisa parody

He took forever to finish the painting. It was rumored that he was mating with his model, La Gioconda, a married woman.

I chose the Fluke Hermit as a stand in for the Mona Lisa because she has a mouth. There are not a lot of Hollow Knight characters that have a mouth.

artsy sister, hollow knight lineart, mona lisa lineart

At first, I was thinking of painting a Grub like the Mona Lisa, but I chose the Fluke Hermit in the end. Her little coat sorta reminded me of the Mona Lisa hair.

So, I didn’t have to change much in order to make the Fluke Hermit resemble the Mona Lisa. The background for the Mona Lisa was just a standard landscape.

artsy sister, hollow knight mona lisa parody, mona lisa humor

It was designed not to steal focus from the maiden. I did the same thing for the Fluke Hermit. I featured her with a cluster of her little sisters.

All in all, it was an interesting digital art to make. I have made plenty of painting parodies.

artsy sister, hollow knight mona lisa, hollow knight parody

It is funny that it took me so long to get around to poking fun at the Mona Lisa.

So, I hope that this Hollow Knight Mona Lisa parody makes you smile. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

artsy sister teresita blanco, hollow knight parody, mona lisa parody

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