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10 Fun Movies that Last Longer than 2 Hours
The first one I wanted to mention is RRR. It has great musical numbers and insane action. It is a film that you can watch over and over. It is a lot of fun. Bahubali is another long Hindu movie. It is about a prince that has to go into exile because they are trying to kill him. He is given his father’s name. It has a bit of some Moses vibe since he was sent down the river. It has a crazy scene were men are catapult over the wall using palm trees. Forest Gump is pretty mellowed out...
8 Great Disaster Movies
I wanted to tell you about some of my favorite Disaster movies. The first film is Armageddon. It is my favorite meteor movie. I like it better than the ice meteor. It also has a great soundtrack. Dante’s Peak has Sarah Connor and 007 together dealing with a volcano eruption. It has one stupid pointless death. A hag throws herself in acid, cause of reasons. It was truly pointless as all. Independence day has aliens attacking earth. The build up to the alien attack was great. The sequel was awful. Knowing is about a guy looking at a math code...
10 Books With Fun Woman Protagonists
The first one I wanted to mention is Carmilla. She is a lady vampire. Bram Stoker stole a lot from this book. At least the beginning. He changed a few things here and there. Both stories are from the point of view of the victim of the vampire. Then again, it was rare to see the point of view of the monster. Dealing with Dragons is about a Princess who runs away to live with a dragon. She wants to decide her own life for herself. It is a slice of slice of life fantasy book. Stefan Zweig’s Fear is...
My 10 Favorite Game Weapons
The first one I like was the Orphan of Kos weapon. It turns your hands into an octopus. Your head becomes a Colliflower. It is a unique fist type of weapon. It used to be stronger, but it got nafted. It has a unique dodge roll and dash. It is very amusing. The next one is the moonlight great sword. The elden ring edition of the sword is rather strong. I also like the version in armored core. The Nevan is another fun weapon. It is an electric guitar that shoots bats, lighting and it can be used as a...
10 Writers for Fans of Short Stories
I wanted to do a book blog instead. So, I decided to tell you about some great short story writers. Not a lot of readers have patience or time for novels. This is why Short stories are so important. At times, it is harder to write a short story, than a long novel. Enough of that. Let us talk about the writers. The first one worth mentioning is Stefan Zweig. His short stories are a mixture of romance, mystery and even a murder thriller. Unamuno’s stories do not rely on description. Even his longer works end pretty quickly, cause he...