Wizard of Oz Dorothy and Scarecrow Dollmore BJD Doll Photoshoot

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Wizard of Oz Dorothy and Scarecrow Dollmore BJD Doll Photoshoot

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In celebration of Spring, I decided to do a lighthearted photoshoot. I went for the Wizard of Oz theme.

artsy sister, bjd doll, wizard of oz ballet

I focused it only on Dorothy and the Scarecrow. I was able to get the Scare Crow outfit.

 artsy sister, bjd, wizard of oz

One of the ballerina outfits of my Odette doll resembled the blue, plaid outfit of Dorothy.

 artsy sister, bjd, wizard of oz scarecrow

Since the pieces were there, I did a two doll photoshoot.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, wizard of oz scarecrow

The first part of the photoshoot focused on one doll at a time.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, vampire scarecrow

I then tried to pose them together. This is easier said than done.

 artsy sister, wizard of oz, scarecrow and dorothy

Both dolls have different heights and limbs. Getting them to pose together was a constant battle.

 artsy sister, wizard of oz, scarecrown and dorothy

It was amusing, nonetheless. I chose my vampire doll to play the Scarecrow.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, dorothy

The jacket of the outfit didn’t fit her too well. So, now, she just has her pale, creepy arms exposed.

 artsy sister, scarecrow, wizard of oz bjd

Eventually, I might get the entire cast of the Wizard of Oz. It all depends if the stars align, with my budget.

 artsy sister, wizard of oz, bjd dollmore

If not, whatever. With the Scarecrow doll, I went for a creepy vibe to it.

 artsy sister, bjd, photoshoot

I imaged her as a brainless, zombie Scarecrow. I even tried to mimic a few Thriller poses.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, ballerina bjd

It would be fun to see a Wizard of Oz inspired horror movie.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, wizard of oz dorothy

Since it is all a dream, you can do whatever you want to the plot. For Dorothy, I chose for her graceful ballerina poses.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, wizard of oz dorothy

When put together, the look was complete. I didn’t have a good dog bjd doll.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, cute dolls

So, this is why I used an LOL Surprise dog as prop.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, cute

I didn’t have a strong yellow carpet.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

The floor came out a little bit muted. It is the effort that counts.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

The background was green in order to invoke the memory of the emerald city.

 artsy sister, bjd, wizard of oz

I saw the Wizard of Oz at the same age as everyone.

 artsy sister, bjd, photoshoot

It was amusing, to say the least.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

I also saw the anime show.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, dollmore

The Toho version of Dorothy was blonde.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, dollmore

So, this is why my Dorothy has blonde hair.

 artsy sister, bjd, dollmore

I didn’t have a proper brown wig that resembled the classical movie and TV show depictions of Dorothy.

 artsy sister, ballerina bjd, bjd

In the original book, Dorothy had blonde hair.

 artsy sister, bjd, ballerina

So, my Dorothy is more faithful to the source material.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

Aside from the photoshoot, I did a little video of the dolls.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

It is going to be up and about in my Tiktok and my Youtube channel.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

I tried to kill two birds with one stone.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

I figured I would make a video since I had the entire set ready and the dolls fully dressed.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

I have been window shopping for dolls.

 artsy sister, bjd, dollmore

I will probably wait for my pre-order to arrive before getting a new doll.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

This is assuming that I do not find a new in stock doll that I like.

artsy sister, bjd, dolls

I think I ranted enough about dolls for one day.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

This photoshoot ended up being ridiculously big.

 artsy sister, bjd, dollmore

I took about 50 something photos.

 artsy sister, bjd, dollmore

I could split it in fragments, but it too much of a bother.

 artsy sister, scarecrown bjd, scarecrow

This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, dollmore

Bye, bye and God Bless.  

 artsy sister, bjd, dollmore

I find myself in the need to rant.

 artsy sister, bjd, dollmore

I went overboard with the photos.

 artsy sister, bjd, dollmore

It would work well if I could figure out the gallery feature of my website.

 artsy sister, bjd, photoshoot

It is only available in the product section.

 artsy sister, bjd, dollmore

I need to add these photographs one at a time.

 artsy sister, bjd, photoshoot

Depending on how many photos, it can take a while to upload everything.

 artsy sister, kawaii, photoshoot

The photos that remain are the ones I took of both dolls.

 artsy sister, bjd, kawaii

I suppose I overcomplicated things for myself.

 artsy sister, bjd, wizard of oz kawaii

I got a little too ambitious with this photoshoot.

 artsy sister, bjd, dollmore

I think for next week I will keep things simple.

 artsy sister, photoshoot, ballerina

It will be one doll.

 artsy sister, bjd, photoshoot

With only, 20 something photos.

 artsy sister, bjd, dollmore

I still haven’t decided which will be featured bjd doll.

 artsy sister, photoshoot, pics

I might photograph my guy dill.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

Yes, that does sound like a fun idea.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

I am done.

 artsy sister, bjd, dollmore

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