About Easel
Easel stands are useful for painting and the like. They come in many different types of materials. Some come in aluminum, while others are made of wood. The best brands for bulk buying for stands is US art supplies. This is a good brand to buy from if you want to supply an entire art class. Art teachers always have to buy their own kits. Not only are they paid terribly, they also have to bleed into their own pockets to bother to teach. I always thought people should be paid enough to care. IF you are a single artist, you can buy one easel stand at a low, affordable price. The stands are all pretty solid, and resistant. Usually, painters only ever need to buy one stand. So, find the one that will work with your style of painting. If you paint indoors, wooden works just fine. If you paint outside, get the aluminum stand. Look for one with adjustable legs. This is necessary when painting in nature. Also, aluminum is pretty water resistant. So, it is useful in that sort of fashion. Whatever painting project you are trying, the Artsy Sister has an Easel Stand just for you.