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bjd, doll, photo, photos -

I dressed up my doll in the ballerina dress of my blue fairy doll. Since both are Doll Chateaus, they can sport the same outfits. I need to get around to getting new outfits for these dollies. This is easier said than done. They have quite the unique looking bodies. In the end, I might just have to rely on ribbons. All dresses can be made to fit anyone, with the proper ribbons. Then again, it is easier for a skinny doll to wear a dress that is bigger than her, and not the other way around. There is a...

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bjd, cute, doll, photo, photos -

I decided to photograph my guy doll. It has been a while. He is sporting a fun sweater. It fits him rather well. I had the hoodie on because it makes me smile. He has a bit of a mom spaghetti vibe. I have been brainstorming a new doll theater episode. I just need to work up the energy to take the photos. I will deal with it, when I deal with it. He is going to be the main character of that story. I could tell you more, but I do not want to spoil the jokes. I took...

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bjd, doll, dolls, photo, photos -

I did a new bjd doll photoshoot. This is the first time I am going to show this cute doll outfit. She looks pretty amassing. It is always fun to photograph my ballerina doll. She is capable of quite the interesting poses. Since I photograph her a lot, her joints have gotten a little snappy. I guess the elastics must have softened due to over usage. I try my best to take care of the dolls. It is best not to push them too much. I have plenty of nice outfits for this cute dolly in the storage bin. I...

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bjd, cute, doll, photo, photos -

I took some nice photos of my faun bjd. I placed her ears in such a way that it makes her look like a bunny. Bunny ears are hilarious. It is specially so considering that she has hoofs. It is not the weirdest looking chimera. The entire point is that I wanted to make her look different. The overall look makes me smile. She is a Doll Chateau doll. This design has a more standard body. This makes her easier to dress. I am still waiting on a guy doll that I ordered half a year ago. He is going...

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bjd, cute, doll, dolls, photo, photos -

This is a cute little dolly in a pretty dress. She has a nice pattern sewn into her dress. It makes me smile as all. The dolly has some stiff joints. She just snaps into place. I do not know if I can soften the joints. I am afraid of messing with the elastics of the dolls. Some are too tight, and others too soft. Other dollies are just right. It helps to move about the dolls every so often. Elastics need to move in order to retain their elasticity. This is at least what my math brother tells me....

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