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bible, chibi, comic -

This is another one of my Chibi Comics and the like. It is from the Book of Wisdom. There is at least two Wisdom books in the old Testament. Most people tend to skip through them, but they are pretty interesting. All the sayings are just like the ones you find in Chinese Cookies, only different. It is the only book in the Bible that talks about going to the doctor, and the importance of doctors for healing the body. Most people do not bother to read the book, and they just take as fact whatever the priests says. The...

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anime, comic, drawing -

This is another one of my cute chibi comics. It is part of the book of Job. Here God is telling the devil about his amassing follower. The devil then argues that Job is only faithful because he has a nice house and living family. Seeing his point, God then gives free reins to the devil to ruin Job’s life, to see if Job still likes God. The book of Job was written by Job himself. He wanted to make sense of all the misfortunes that were befalling him. He thought it was to test his faith. As for me,...

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