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beach, photo -

This is a photo I took in Key West. It is the Southernmost point in the US. The place had a mouthful when Irma came. People tend to focus on the tragedies of other people and they forget there are people in need closer to home. I always worry about those nearest to me. People with the good Samaritan itch should not forget that there is hunger and poverty in the US. Those who say that there isn't should walk about the beaches at night. Just because you do not see suffering, it doesn't mean that it is not there. ...

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beach, photo -

Miami Beach is beautiful and serene, if you believe those posters and magazines about the place. Anyhow, I spent like two hours waiting for those planes to finish their commercials. In the end, I gave up and took this photo. It is beautiful if you just ignore that poster over there. It wasn't my intention to photograph it. I wanted to take a photo featuring mostly the sky. Most photos tend to be a bit grounded.  However, by focusing more on the sky, and keeping the ground level it came out interesting. I kept the photo straight using my knee...

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beach, photo -

This is photo features Key West, as it was before the Hurricane. It is a good thing I took plenty of photos. It may take many years before the place is completely fixed. This one was devastated by the terrible Hurricane Irma. Irma just did not want to quick. I have been in numerous hotels, and I have seen certain places that are still under reconstruction. Sure those places have insurance. On the meantime, businesses hemorrhage money.  People should write more about the topic of Hurricanes. They usually do some sappy romance or fantasy stories. However, Hurricanes are usually overlooked....

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beach, ocean, photo, resort -

This is a photo I took on the way out of Mexico. I was on the plane and the sun was setting. People with good cameras should take photos when they get a chance. The photo illustrates the Mayan Coast. At least, this is what I think. We landed in the Mayan Coast. So, I guess all the nearby areas belong to that locality. It is interesting to see the two sides of the water. One looks crystal clear and the other was murky. I am not a big fan of flying on planes. I recently discovered that I suffer...

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beach, mexico -

It has been a long time since I went on an actually good vacation. Barceló was an actually amassing place. Pity, that this time only exists in this memory and in this photo. Some things cannot be helped. All matter is subject to corruption and radioactive decay. The same can be said of human's morality, or lack thereof. I am sorry I woke up in a bit of a sour mood. If you look at things objectively, security and peace is just an illusion. One can feel safe even surrounded by lions.  However, there is a reason why it is...

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