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Last night, I got around to making new doll clothes. I managed to make it all by myself. It is nothing special, but it at least looks appealing. It helped somewhat that the fabric had a lot of cool patterns. I added a little bit of blue to go with the eyes of the doll. I have been thinking of getting a new doll for the near future. The prices have gone up a bit, due to the problems of the world. There are some things that cannot be helped. Aside from making the new dress, I designed a couple...

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Last week, we did nothing in particular. The plague came back, and it feels like it is drawing closer each day. We can only hope to keep ourselves safe. A lot of our friends are not feeling particularly awesome. Each time we speak with someone we know, they are sick of one thing or another. It is really disconcerting. We started by praying for two people who did not feel particularly awesome. The list is starting to grow. Anyhow, at least my brother and mother are safe. I pray for their safety every day. Since we were stuck at home...

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Mein is very different from Bebe. I am not one to change the names of the dolls. It is as if you change the name of some random brat you meet, like in the Simpsons. Mein was a bit problematic to get. The person who made the doll left Bonanza. I had just given her the money, through paypal. I was not certain if the doll was coming or not. Since we did not heard of the vendor, we started the progress of getting the money back. Eventually, the doll did arrive. We could have easily pretended not to have...

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The second doll in my collection is called Bebe. I call her Dolly, Dolly. My mother calls her the ugly duckling, of the trio. There is something about her face mother doesn’t like. I don’t really get it. Anyhow, I got this little doll last year. Last year was a real good year for the family. I was making progress with the books, we had gone on vacations to the Florida Keys, and there was something that resembled a surplus in the bank account. Anyhow, for my birthday, I asked my brother for a new doll. After looking through the...

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Elvira is the first bjd doll I ever had. I got her for my birthday about three years ago. I was going through like a weird bored phase. This was before I started with the Artsy Sister Website. Anyhow, I was looking online for a nice looking doll when I ran into Ball Jointed Dolls. I studied the price of the doll for weeks. I was between this one, and her brunette sister. In the end, I went for the blonde, blue eyes bjd doll. After making my purchase, then began the waiting game. As with most handmade things, I...

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