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bjd, cat, photo, photos, photoshoot -

I decided to only do a bjd doll photoshoot per week. I have been writing a lot lately, so I need to use my time wisely. Then again, it is not as if I have due dates. As of lately, I have been writing a lot of nonsense.   I hope that some of it might be good. If not, then who cares? I write for my own amusement.   As of lately, I have been reading a boring book about the life of Van Gogh. It is educational.   It is useful for keeping my brain from rotting. This...

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bjd, cat, photo, photos -

Today I felt like doing a little photoshoot. It features my bjd doll Inanis in a pretty black dress. I decided to take different photos of her. I tried different wig combinations to do a little bit of variety. I tried to keep things simple.   The poses are the only thing that I prioritized. In the first photo, I photographed the doll without a wig.   If you remove the wig, she looks more like a cat. The other photos feature the cat with a silver and red wig.   For the background, I used the moon for a...

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bjd, cat, Christmas, doll, photoshoot -

This is the first official photoshoot I do for my new bjd doll Inanis. She was made by Dearmine. I made it Christmas themed because it is the most wonderful time of the year. Here I am enjoying my fully repaired air conditioner.   Thank you, Santa for giving me a fistful of bills to pay. All joking aside, I really thought it would be amusing to do a Xmas themed bjd doll photoshoot.   The reason has to do with the fact that the doll is a cat. We all know cats fascination with the Christmas tree. This is...

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bjd, cat, doll, photo, photos -

Today arrived the new BJD doll I ordered. It is my first kitty cat bjd doll. I bought her from Denver’s Doll Emporium. The exact model type is Dearmine Vivien le Festin. Dearmine is a Korean BJD Doll making company. They mostly specialize on making animal themed ball jointed dolls. The doll was in stock in and I just had to have her. There was only one of her in the store, so I had to take my opportunity to get the dolly. I am not big on Pre-Ordering stuff. I am not the most patient of fellows. The one...

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cat, garden, photo, photos, review, travel -

I took a long vacation from everything. My family went down to Key West to soak in the pool for a bit. In Key West, it seems like life has returned to normal. While there, we also visited two museums. The first one was the Museum of Hemingway. I think the place is not properly named. The museum focuses on his cats. According to the curator, the museum was founded under the express written consent that they would look after Hemingway’s cat family.   Hemingway could only write when his cats where around. So, throughout the museum I saw a...

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