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Mein is very different from Bebe. I am not one to change the names of the dolls. It is as if you change the name of some random brat you meet, like in the Simpsons. Mein was a bit problematic to get. The person who made the doll left Bonanza. I had just given her the money, through paypal. I was not certain if the doll was coming or not. Since we did not heard of the vendor, we started the progress of getting the money back. Eventually, the doll did arrive. We could have easily pretended not to have...

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I am feeling a little bit hungry. Everyone is sleeping and nobody is feeding me, including myself. The party was somewhat mellowed out. I tried the game Love Nikki. I first loved playing it every second, and then I never wanted to play it again. The main issue was the pop up think encouraging you to use up money. If you are too aggressive about it gets annoying and I don’t have a lot of cash to waste on pixilated merchandize. The idea of it was cute and all that, but the delivery was a bit iffy. It seemed like...

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For the last week, I have been working on making these cute Matryoshka dolls. I got a bunch of wooden, unpainted dolls as part of my birthdate. When I tried opening them, it was a really hard work. Opening and closing them was a bit of a bother. As such, I decided to not bother with that aspect of the nesting doll. I decided to bite the bullet, and just work with it. The dolls for the most part were themed after an individual flower. The main one is an orchid. Orchids are cute parasite flowers. I managed to plant...

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This is how my Matryoshka mini side project is going. I have been working on this since the dolls arrived four days ago. The first one naturally took the longest. I do not know why I find it hard to make miniatures. I guess it must have something to do with my tools. I got to get me some tiny brushes. One the meantime, I suppose I will have to make meets end with what I have. The second one is not technically done. I still have to add glitter to it. Still, for the most part, you can get...

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