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blue dress, drawing -

This is a cute little girl from the US. Her dress was common in the 1870s. The middle class of American was starting to exists. She is a northerner lass. The outfit shows influence from France. France was still relevant as far as fashion is concerned. Women would see French magazines, before mimicking the dresses for their boutiques. During the impressionism movement, a new idea was blossoming. The idea of just chilling or having downtime was popularized. In response to this, children were finally allowed to be children. This is reflected in their attires. No longer were children treated like...

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drawing -

Around the 1800s, there grew an interest fairy tales and medieval knight stories. It was a bit of residue from the Romanticism period. This interest in those stories was a direct result of the Neoclassical movement. Those neoclassicals believed in science and logic, and slowly were moving towards atheism. Romanticism was a turn away from logic and reason. They wanted to believe that there was more to life than what could be measured in a laboratory. And so, we have the interest in fairy tales. This dress is from one of the maidens in a sleeping beauty picture. It is...

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demon girl, drawing -

In the old days, well, not so old days, the dancer costumes were inspired. Just look at this little number I dug up. Originally, the costume was in black and white, but I added color to it. I think my rendition made it lovelier. Demons usually tend to have cookie costume designs. This one was certainly quite original.  As with most awesome and unique things, I think this costume never made it to the grand stage. A pity, considering its originality. I guess the creepy cherubim heads were not a high selling point. Another thing I like was the decoration...

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drawing, russian -

During the 1700s,  the Russian Tsars became obsessed with Europe. They thought that by being European the country would become modernized. It did not work much. Only the main cities fell into the European craze. The rest of the country felt alienated from the ruling class. Whenever the Tsar had to deal with the local elders, he was always on pins and needles. He just did not look like them. He was like a foreigner in his own country. He wanted them to change, but the traditional locals were stubborn. They did not see the reason to be European. They...

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dancer, drawing -

Here is quite the beautiful dancer with a pretty white feather. The original costume was in black and white. I added a bit of red, because I thought it look better. It is always fun to build up with color in outfits that only exist in print, in a black and white format. There is really not much to say about the maiden, in part because I overslept.  It is important to try to make the most of one's day. Not because of some fear of mortality or whatnot. Rather, if there is something else pending, waking up late can...

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