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bjd, doll, dress, fashion, photo, photos -

Today, I did a new bjd doll photoshoot. In this one, I only used one doll. The doll, the outfit and the wig were all made by dollmore. I just put it all together. That is the fun thing about bjd dolls. With just a wig and dress, the bjd doll looks completely different. The rococo dress is as big and cumbersome as it looks. The doll was extremely uncooperative. I did manage to get at least 30 decent photographs. The first few feature the doll with a green riding hood. The rest of the photos feature the doll without...

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bjd, cat, doll, dress, photo, photoshoot -

Today, I did a small little photoshoot featuring my cat and my vampire dolls. The Dearmine doll is the cat doll. The vampire doll was made by Dollmore. Most of the outfits are from Dollmore. The general theme was tea and books.   I wanted to go for a vintage type of feel for the photoshoot. I first photographed the dolls alone, and then together.   I also did a short video for Tiktok and Youtube. It is going to be up and about sometime tonight.   So, hopefully, this will give you something to look forward to. I recently...

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bjd, doll, dress, photo, photos, photoshoot, toy -

Today is Monday. It is time for my weekly bjd doll photoshoot. If you are new to Artsy Sister, I want you to know that at the start of each week I do a dolly photoshoot.   I arrange the set. I dress up the dolls and then I take cute photos of them going about their dolly lives.   All my dolls are ball jointed. You can see their profile in the home page of the website.   I tell you about their maker, and how much owning them costed me.   I have been collecting these dolls for...

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bjd, dress, photo, photos, photoshoot, winter -

Today, I did a bjd doll photoshoot. It features my smallest doll in many different outfits. The doll was made by Ringdoll. I wasn’t certain what type of background I wanted to go for. I ended up making two small sets for the photoshoot.   Since she is a small doll, it is pretty easy to set up the background elements. The first set features checkerboard background.   The other is themed after a library. I had a few miniature books in the mix, as well as a novelty sharpener that resembled a typewriter.   As far as the dresses,...

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bjd, cute, dress, photo, photos -

I had originally intended to put all the red dress photos on the same blog. In the end, I decide to split the thing in two. It works more or less as far as gallery purposes are concerned. I got a new silly doll yesterday. It all depends if the sales goes through or not. I am like super half asleep. I woke up a bit earlier than usual. I was planning to sleep some more, but the lightning bolts where not making it easy. It has been almost two days and the birds have yet to discover the birdseeds....

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