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Yesterday, I went with my family to eat in Sazon. I had not gone to that restaurant in more than a year. I was curious to see how the menu had changed. We used to visit it on a weekly basis before we moved. Right now, Miami Beach is a bit too far away from my home. The road to the place is as confusing as ever.   The roads in Miami Beach are being fixed for the hundredths time. They were fixing the roads last year, and they are still doing the same thing this year. What a mess....

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Today is like my birthday. My family ordered these cookies for me. They all look very nice, and they are super sweet. Most of them are soft cookies. Others are hard. I prefer soft cookies because of my teeth. I do not want to needlessly wear them down. I want to avoid going to the dentist as much as possible. I wash my teeth every time I eat. There was a time I used to eat popcorn a lot. I stopped because the pieces would get stuck between my teeth. Though, between you and me, I do miss eating popcorn...

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cookies, dessert, food, foodies, review -

I was bored and so I ordered a bunch of cookies. One of them came a bit delayed, but it finally got home. In this photo, I show you all the cookies I tried. I also made a silly 5 minute video of me eating the cookies. I thought it would be somewhat amusing. I am just a bored, and hungry artsy sister. I wanted to do a new video with ice cream flavors from Haagen-Dazs. When we went to buy it at the Publix, they only had 3 flavors. Can you believe it? I suppose there are some things...

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food, foodies, shrimp, tutorial, video, videos -

Both the Pico de Gallo and the Ceviche utilize onions. So, if you have a lot of onions about, you can make these tasty snacks. I made a video tutorial of how to make both. They show the step by step instructions. The Pico De Gallo goes well with Quesadillas and you can add it as part of an ingredient for your Tacos. You can also just eat it with Tortilla chips. It is just a useful little add on. As for Ceviche, it is a type of appetizer or snack. It goes well with Moscato. Ceviche is usually made...

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Artsy's Choice