gardening RSS

gardening, photo -

I am like super tired today. It took me quite a bit to get around to making this blog. Today, it was cleaning day. We also got around doing some yard work. Fall has finally arrived to Florida. I know we are technically in spring, but the leaves are all dropping. It is a bit of a pain, with the grass dying. I went out into the job to tackle the problem directly. I completed about 30 percent of the backyard. I have not even started on the main project. After almost overheating I went back inside. My brother after...

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flower, gardening -

I suppose it has been quite a bit since I have been ranting about flowers. It would make a lot more sense if I had gardening supplies. I am going to get around to it like real soon. There is just always so much to do. I am not in a particular doing kind of mood. The new painting looks real pretty around the edges. I am a bit mellowed out around the edges. I have nothing better to do as far as anything is concerned and whatnot. The hanging plant in the garden seems real weak. I do not...

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flower, gardening -

Today we are having a little get together in the artsy sister store. We are celebrating the arrival of the Cuban Menina. The painting is about the Miracle of chicken turning into fish. I am going to go talk more about it tomorrow. For now, we are like super busy. I do not know if I am going to have time to make this a long blog. For the time being, enjoy this beautiful flower of mine. Today, the new rosebush recently gave bird to a beautiful yellow rose. This is also business for tomorrow. I hope you find this...

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flower, gardening -

Most gardener speculate about the pros and cons of milk. All in all, I applied it to the flower to protect it from powdery milkweed. It is rather common during the winter. Unlike all the other problems, this one is usually dire and hard to manage without a lot of pruning. Sure, I could use a more extreme chemical means. Still, I think that might be overkill. The long and short of it is that I watered individual branches with evaporated milk mixed with water. Recently, all the new flowers it has produced have looked somewhat orange and some even...

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