holiday RSS

bjd, doll, dolls, holiday, photo, photos -

Today, I dusted off the new background I had made specifically for a my ringdoll Ange. Since she is so small, she needs a smaller background to work with. I also got a few miniatures furniture, and a bunch of food props. I had all the elements to make a proper Thanksgiving photoshoot.   My one regret is that I didn’t have a Turkey dinner prop. It is too late to order one. One lives and learns, I suppose.   Then again, Turkey isn’t a mandatory meal for Thanksgiving. It is what you want to make of it. This is...

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bjd, halloween, holiday, photos -

Today, I got around to making the Halloween themed bjd doll photoshoot. The main doll is my Dollmore Dollphire BJD Doll. The outfit and wig were also made by Dollmore. I named her Candice. It seemed like a good name for a cute vampire doll.   Having a vampire as a nurse seemed like an amusing idea. With the costume out of the way, I then needed to figure out the set design.   I brought with me the sofa. I changed the cover for the blue one. This gives it a bit more of a hospital feel.   For...

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holiday, photo -

The neighbors did spectacular fireworks show. This is just one of the photos I took of that event. I hope you are having a fun fourth of July with family and friends. As for me, I am just roosting here with my mother and my brother.

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Christmas, holiday, photo, photos -

We finally got around to decorating the Christmas Tree. WE usually put up the tree after Thanksgiving. We have plenty to be thankful for. We are almost at the end of the year and we are still alive, healthy and employed. We have a roof over our head, and a nice air conditioner with a good chunk of its parts recently repaired.   Everything is more or less business as usual. This is a good thing, considering what changes look like these days. Anyhow, for this year we chose a classy golden and red pattern. I think the tree is...

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flowers, garden, gardening, holiday, photo, photos -

Tanabata has become of a little family tradition. Brother person got into celebrating Tanabata with his girlfriend. I ended up joining in the fun, along with my mother. For those not up to date with the fun, Tanabata is known as the Star Festival in Japan. The celestial deities Orihime and Hikoboshi are together at last. They are only allowed to meet up once per year, on the seventh day, of the seventh month of the lunar Calendar. Since the Gods are in a good mood, the folks in Japan take this chance to ask for a bunch of stuff....

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