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drawing, markers, video -

I was working on making some silly painting parodies. I decided to stick with the well known paintings. These drawings usually take about 15 minutes to make. With more time, I can make a better drawing. Still, drawing horizontally is not my natural drawing stance. This is the only way I have found to properly display my drawing videos. The overhead view was terrible, and the better version required added costs. I am running a shoe string budget over here! In any case, the first anime drawing features Tom Nook and Isabelle dressed like the folks from American Gothic. I...

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drawing, markers, video, videos -

I was thinking of new drawing videos. I then came up with the idea of drawing a giraffe with a pearl earring. It is both a classical and a fun animal type of drawing. Last year, I made a funny giraffe volume in my manga The Furies. All the characters were designed after giraffes. As such, I had a lot of practice drawing giraffe folks. The video was edited to go a little bit to make the watching experience a little bit faster. Mainly, I just sped up the coloring stage. The lineart portion is just slightly sped up. My...

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cat, drawing, kawaii, markers -

I was thinking of what to blog about, and then I thought of Scary Cat. There is a new book coming out. Hopefully, I will get it published before New Year. If not, at least I tried as all. I have already mentioned something about it before. I even made a silly video about it. I included the video in this blog. I have been lately trying out the video blog stuff. I am trying not to repeat themes too much. What is important is to keep it Fresh. The next volume of Scary Cat is about the girl starting...

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anime, cat, drawing, markers -

This is a nice anime drawing of mine. It is a scene from my Scary Cat kids books. Filipa is getting out of bed. Since it was the first volume, I described her daily routine. The second volume is on the woodworks. We are editing the pages a bit on the computer. It is really hard to take a good scan of the drawing. Good scanners cost money. The main issue is the whites. The more whites, the harder is the page to manage. I found this problem in the first volume. For the second volume, I reduced the whites...

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drawing, fashion, markers -

This is quite the nice anime drawing of mine. It features a maiden themed after a Hawk Eagle. The eagle is native to the forest in Java, Indonesia. The silly bird is endangered because they like to nest in specific trees. If they were not so pesky about it, they could actually thrive. It is the ability to adapt to new things is what helps a creature thrive. On other news, I got myself a new flower bed. I will talk more about it tomorrow. I wanted to post a little short blog for today. We did some house calls,...

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