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acrylic, anime, painting -

This is another one of my Alice paintings. When I was posting it to instragram, I had to climb on a chair because I had already hung the painting. Most of all the paintings in my house are hung with Velcro. We are not big fans of opening holes on the wall. The main exception to this rule was the painting mother bought from her friend. We gave it a price centerfold in the house. As for my paintings, as of now, I am only limited them to my bedroom. Once the room gets filled with paintings, I might have...

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acrylic, anime, painting -

This is another one of my Alice paintings. I am not too certain about it now. I guess I could make space look prettier and shinier. He said that why make a realistic space, with an unrealistic scenario. I think I should have added more glitter into space. Then again, by the time I changed my mind I had already added the Varnish. So, this is what I ended up with. It is good, but not too amazing. I think I should have spent more time on the painting. Either that, or I should have kept her out of space....

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anime, painting -

Now that I think about it, I should start signing my work at the front. I normally do not like to sign my paintings, because I find that it ruins the aesthetics. I prefer to sign the back of the canvas. Still, some douche can easily remove that portion and then write their name on it. I guess I should find a clever way of signing the work in a way that I do not find it annoying. Till them, I know that this was painted by me. I took the first photo of it when it was completed. I...

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acrylic, painting -

This is my latest painting and the like. I had a few canvas panels and the like. I decided to finally try painting on a canvas and I must stay that it was a bit different. I do not know if there is something wrong with my canvas or what, but it was somewhat annoying. Still, I pushed on, and then I was able to produce something of worth. All commercial canvases come with gesso, so they are ready to paint. The surface of this canvas was a little blocky, so, when I added the paint, it looked a bit...

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book, painting, watercolor -

This is another chapter image for my fantasy book. It is a bit of a work in process. On their own, people seem to like them a lot. I put a lot of thought into the chapter images. I first reread the chapter and the pick a scene. It is important that the chapter image intrigues people, but that it doesn’t reveal much of the plot. If you get the entire plot just from one image, people will not have the incentive to read the rest of the chapter. If they can just scroll through the book and just read...

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