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Yellow Roses represent Joy and Friendship. I did not know this till five minutes ago when I googled it. I chose this rose bush because it looked inspired indeed. It has been quite a pig. I have been looking after it nonstop for the last couple of weeks. They say that when replanted, it needs extra water. It so happens to be one of those occasional really hot winters. The weather has been quite unstable in Florida. Some days, it is hot, others windy and cold. The plants in my garden are hardy indeed. The party was a little bit...

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For the last two months, there has been a bit of drought in Florida.  A lot of grasses have burned up killing trees in their wake. I saw in a documentary that grasses sometimes randomly dry up, even when they don't have to. Grasses are insidious like that some times. They do so whenever they are getting too much competitions from trees. Anyhow, recently, the rains started to return. This allowed for this beautiful rose to blossom. A few other buttons are growing along with it. My family as of late is not too big in on photographing the garden....

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Artsy's Choice