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In this stop motion, I did a little car animation. I also did a bit of paper craft to simulate the front of the car. En este video, las muñecas articuladas juegan. Los juegos que juegan son tic tac toe, un juego de nintendo, Entre nosotros, pulso y otros juegos. Encontré un coche pequeño en el patio. Esto me inspiró a hacer este video de muñecas.  

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 Este es un video corto de Teatro do Muñecas. Finalmente pude traducir mis videos.Combiné un par de videos cortos en un episodio más largo. El primer segmento es sobre el mercado de valores. El último segmento es sobre la industria del periodismo.

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In this video, Odette joins Doll Theater. She gets an invitation and everything. She also gets a tour of Doll Theater from Bebe.  La muñeca Odette consigue un trabajo en el teatro. No a trabajado desde el 2019, so esta nerviosa.

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bjd, drawing, holiday, stopmotion, video -

This drawing I made it for my mother. I drew myself as a little kid. Yes, that is my actual hair. It is just a super mess. I already gave up on the silly hair. Moving along, the drawing was made with markers and coloring pencils. The heart I drew it in Kawaii format. I thought it was a good idea for a Mother’s Day present. A lot of mothers like those sentimental, type of drawings. It is fun to do something like that from time to time. I am just very thankful for her support, as I try to...

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A lot of folks have gotten in to the habit of trying to get the dogs to use the litter box, or they even force them to wear diapers. Walking the dog is part of the dog ownership experience. If you don't want to walk your pet, get a cat or a ferret. Dogs need walks for their mental health. It is part of their daily happy, routine. So, if you cannot walk, your dogo get someone else to do it. In the video, I poke fun at the diaper doggo owners. I also find amusing folks who want their...

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