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Last month, we took a mini vacation to Key West. I visited this Museum the day after visiting Hemmingway’s Cats Museum. This was before the bad times again. It was nice to have a break from like everything. Key West seemed like back to normal. It was nice to see humans enjoying their time. The place was a bit full, and there were bad folks roaming the streets. Whenever a lot of fishes gather, the predators head out to hunt. Putting this aside, the weather was fine, and everything was pretty. While there we decided to visit the Key West...

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This is about the second blog about Key West. The first one just focused on the Parrot Keys. This one is more about Key West. On the first day, we spent it trying to get to the hotel. The second day when we went home. Before heading back, we explored a bit Key West. It was quite crowded, but the folks were sporting masks. Key West is pretty clean, and there have not been deaths in months. In that place, it almost felt like life had gone back to normal. I wish things were nice again. I have been pondering...

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