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drawing, video -

I made a new anime drawing. I also did a video for the drawing. This was about the last Youtube drawing thing. I then decided to do other things with my time. A lot of folks do silly Youtube Drawings and whatnot. I don’t think my skills warrant enough attention from the chibis. The pouring paintings at least get some attention every so often. I have been brainstorming a bit some stuff to breathe life, into the corpse that is my Youtube channel. It is about 8 years old, but it got a little neglected, when my last website died....

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ballerina, bjd, photo, photos, stop motion, video -

The limited doll I had preordered finally has arrived. She came with goodies as well. I ordered around February. Most folks order stuff during the Fall and on December. There was a special sale during February, and that I why I ordered the doll. For 330 bucks, she came out pretty amazing looking. It shows that you pay for what you get. Anyhow, Ha Seol has a pretty silly name. The name is silly because the name is very close to the Spanish word Aseo. The word means to clean up. The thing you clean up is usually the house....

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bjd, doll, photo, photos, video -

I was thinking of taking new doll photos. I recently made a little short video telling folks about what I like about BJD dolls. You can see it in the Youtube. Moving along, this blog focuses more on my dolly photographs. I wanted to take photos with the new backgrounds. With photos, I focus more on the angles. Stop motion is a little bit harder to manage. At least with photos, I can get a little bit creative with the character arrangement. Most dolls cannot slowly transition from one pose to another.   My Ashley is specially uncooperative. The elastics...

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food, foodies, shrimp, tutorial, video, videos -

Both the Pico de Gallo and the Ceviche utilize onions. So, if you have a lot of onions about, you can make these tasty snacks. I made a video tutorial of how to make both. They show the step by step instructions. The Pico De Gallo goes well with Quesadillas and you can add it as part of an ingredient for your Tacos. You can also just eat it with Tortilla chips. It is just a useful little add on. As for Ceviche, it is a type of appetizer or snack. It goes well with Moscato. Ceviche is usually made...

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bjd, doll, dolls, stop motion, stopmotion, video -

Part of owning a pet, involves dealing with their health problems. Most humans never go to the doctor, unless if they are missing a limb or two. Still, they do rush to the vet when their pet sneezes or something. The main thing I joked at was the solutions that vets have to pet behavioral problems, and for issues that do not have a solution. I also poked fun at pet anti depressants. When I heard about them, it seemed like the stupidest thing I have ever heard of in my life. Most pet behavioral problems stem from lack of...

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