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acrylic, painting, pouring -

This is just the dried version of the 7 pouring pride flags I made. The paint moves as it dries. This is more common in pouring paintings. The fluid nature of them allows them to move. It also means that the final version is different from the wet version.  So, this is something to consider. I think they came out alright. It was a decent effort indeed. Anyhow, my name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and Gob bless.

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drawing, drawings, marker, pattern -

I made new Henna pattern art. They are mostly flower patterns drawn against a black background.  I do not use rules and I do not get too crazy about symmetric. Everything looks fine in the end. Perfection is not something that humans can achieve. All in all, I am just happy with the drawings I made. They are pretty relaxing. I also made videos of these artworks.  You can check them out in my Artsy Sister Youtube Channel. Please give a like and subscribe. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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art history, painter -

Kinuko Y. Craft is a Japanese born artist. She does illustrations for plays and fantasy wallpapers. She also likes to illustrate fairy tale books. She has won many awards for her artwork. This first review focuses on her fairy tale artworks... for the most part. I hope you like them a lot.  Anyhow, the first illustration shows Sleeping Beauty. All around her we see flowers growing. She has been asleep for a pretty long time. The organic looking flowers were made art nouveau.  This illustration is a fantasy version of the Adam and Eve story. Here Eve is getting the...

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acrylic, painting, pouring -

I made new pride month flags. This one is Vocaromantic. Do you remember Prince Eric from the little mermaid? He fell in love with a voice. He is Vocaromantic. Christine from the phantom of the opera is also Vocaromantic. She fell in love with the Phantom’s voice. The problem was that she also liked the voice of the childhood friend Raul. This has nothing to do with the flags. The second artwork features the new Gay male flag. This one is for men who like men and nothing else. Anyhow, I made a pouring art version of this flag.   I...

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art history, painter -

Today, I wanted to review so mythological paintings. I am using the myth term broadly. It saves the the trouble of putting on the title Greek and Roman paintings. In any case, this first painting shows the Queen Zenobie. She is well known for nearly defeating the Romans. In this painting, her luck had finally run out. She had tried running away from the Romans. She nearly drowned in the river side. Here, the shepherds are taking care of her. It is interesting the differences in attires between the Queen and the shepherds. In this painting, we see a maiden...

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