My Poetry Part 13 - Crimson Blossoms, Heart, Salad, The Seer and More

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My Poetry Part 13 - Crimson Blossoms, Heart, Salad, The Seer and More

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Crimson Blossoms

Open old wounds.

Let those crimsons blossoms

Cover your chest.


Wondering in this desert,

A siren sounds in the distance.


You cannot seem to forget,

The sins you dare not remember.



Heart of Thee

Breathe in the fumes.

New winds bring cool air.

The sun’s flares

Sing the same tune.


Around the moon

And back again.

Helios rises,

Aurora falls.


Look beyond thee.

Why drag your feet

Over this pearly ocean.


Take my hand, please.

Dare to smile anew.


For a few hours,

You may forget.

The clock ticks.

The sun rises again…




Weighted down by these iron chains,

Each new step, filled with pain.

The hearth quickens.

A knife to your neck.


Bend low and moo.

Eat this putrid grass.

Start again,

This tortuous fast.

Futility races, all efforts, wasted.


You give another step

And your chest bursts

Crimson rose, red.

The flowers are blooming

Masking Thanatos’ perfume.


The Seer in Love

I can see you

As clear as daylight.

Your fragrance

Haunts me day and night.


I can almost

Feel your warmth.

My blue Rose,

You have yet, to bloom.


OH! I curse the fateful day,

The day, I laid my eyes on you!


Separated by time and space;

I dare not look at my brothers.


How much further

Must I go?

I reach out to you

And embrace nothing.


The vision of you

Will not fade.

My eyes lie blinded

To today.

Alas, I must swim ahead.

Race past this current,

At the ocean

I shall find you.


Tell me darling,

Will we meet again?


Father, Time

Father time, save me.

These demons wish to bury me.

I speak and no one listens.

Are they deaf to my words?


When I walk alone, at night.

The beggars hide from me.


On TV, I hear my name.

The things they say,

Oh! The shame, shame!!


I am no longer

Master of myself,

Father, Time

Set me free.


My poor sister

Lies blinded.

The lawyers will not

Let her hear my voice.


Preachers of death march to the furnace.

They tattooed my name in their chest.

For all their honors,

What has it done for me?

They seek only to blame.

They too refuse to see.


Father Time,

Rescue me.


Intermesso I, Adeutu

Why does it hurt

when I hear you call my name?


Why does it hurt

When I hear you say

“I won’t see you again?


Why does it hurt

When I see you walk away?


“What do you want me to say?

What? Did you think this was a game?

Avert your eyes, I am here to kill you again!”


Why does it hurt

When I see you walking away?


Stay by my side, darling!

Don’t go Away.


Why does it hurt

When I hear you say

“I won’t see you, ever again.”


“What do you want, my darling?”

I want you to stay!

“You know I can’t.”


Please stay beside me.


“Darling, believe me when I say,

I won’t see you ever again.”



Frozen alabaster,

Purity and righteous might;

Come with me,

I will show you the light.


I will shape you in to someone of worth.

The plaster mold is broken.

The clays have hardened.

It’s too late to change its shape.


Enter the furnace to obtain new luster.

Oh! Misshaped masterpiece.

I will break you, and remake you

Into someone of worth.


It lingers

It has been two hours without you,

I can still taste you.


In my darkest hours,

You are my sole companion.


I wish I had never kissed you.

I wish I did not need you.


After dinner, I seek to kiss you.

You, my constant companion.

Even if I should leave you,

The memory of you will linger.


 I wish I had never kissed you.

I wish I did not need you.


Trapped within your chains,

I’ve nothing to gain

From this burden.

Even if I should leave you,

These old scars will linger.



Golden strands, emerald gems, brownie eyes.

The whip cracks on your back.

Still, you will not bend,

Even if it means your end.


The searing cauldron bubbles even louder,

Do not make thins any harder.


With each falling grain,

Grows one’s sense of purpose.

But still, you will not yield.


Blood Red Summer

A warm summer

Comes forth.

The yearly hunger,

At an end.


Listen to the trumpets sighing,

Hear those bells ringing.

It’s about to begin,


Oh! Lord!


The armies gather forth,

Separate banners.

Hearts of vengeance,

Begin the carnage.


Blood Red!

Eyes of Cerise

Rusted iron mane.

Time to end

their shame.


Come, Oh summer!

Beneath your scorching heat,

There it beats.

Let the war begin.


Blood Red,

Harvester of sins,

See the Carnage,

War, and pillaging.

The crimson sun,


By the rising flames.


Oh! Blood Red!

Time for the summer harvest.

Time for the carnage.


Sacred Aura

Sacred flame burning,

The virgin dances

To the echoing chants.


Sacred aura, burning.

Your crimson hues

Forever tormenting.


A cat meowing

Its starting.

The frenzied dance.

Twist, twist, we turn.


Silence, I don’t want to hear it!

Aura, I hear your song again.


“Gently, I cradle you in my arms, son.”


The mind grows ripe,

Crack it open, Oh! Sacred Aura.


My sweet cinnamon,

I cannot find repose.

Dance, my Sacred Aura!

Drown me in your embrace.



Latent memories whisper of a time gone by.

Incense, sweet perfume, it lingers even now.

The city streets, stained like damp charcoal.

In vain, they try to ignite the coming morning.   

Bitter were the first breaths of life.

Acrid sulfur, mixed with blood.

Unfeeling hands, grasping,

As the cold steely blade severs the first bond.

For how long was your back bent?

Please, thank you, you’re welcome.

A polite puppet, with nothing more to say.


Child of Sorrow

Blissful child of sorrow,

Wake up, its tomorrow.

Leave your forest behind,

Walk among men.


They will try

To make you hollow,

A husk like one of them.


Don’t let them!

Master your own fate,

Child of sorrow.


Smile at the coming morrow.

You are one among many!

Smile for a while,

Pretend before their guile.


They now offer you laurels,

To raise you upon their pedestal!

Don’t you see you are wearing a crown of thorns?



Centuries ago,

We had a place

We called Home.


But the hourglass turned,

Promises now lie broken,

This new home is but a token.

That cannot buy us any peace.


Chess Match


The numbers grow,

So many new faces

Needing maintenance.


What a shame…


Nothing is fine.

There is no one

Left to blame.


Time and time again

We play our game.

We find new peons

Not daring to risk

Our loveliest queen.



Tally or votes,

Let’s play again.

And who cares about those faceless numbers.

Set the board, we are playing once again.   

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