New Book Projects, Prequels and Other Ideas

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New Book Projects, Prequels and Other Ideas

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Today, I wanted to write about my writing. I am not going to bore you with my writing process per say. Rather, I am going to tell you about my future book projects.

First and foremost, I need to get around to finishing the Sacred Mask 5. I only need four chapters to conclude the book. After the Sacred Mask 5, I am going to add two new books to the Lover’s Pentacle series.

I already have a general plot idea for book 3 and 4. The hilarity continues. The fourth part might the last part of the Lover’s Pentacle. It is going to be the final book because I don’t have anything planned beyond it.

My books end when I run out of ideas for it. I also have a new vampire book and a new science fiction book in the woodworks.

I will get to it, when I get to it. I think I ranted enough about my books for one day. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

artsy sister, flowers, cute

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