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The following week after the incident, Karina spent the days quite pleasantly. One day, Karina said to Letholdus, “I think you should travel abroad with your father.” “How so, he doesn’t trust me,” said Letholdus. “Yes, but you can be a pack mule, at the very least. You can then work your way up, in the family business,” said Karina laughing. The two were in Karina’s bedroom getting dressed after bathing. Letholdus commented, “You are getting a bit of a belly.” “Yes, and you are becoming more foolish by the day,” said Karina sneering. She added, “You should ask your...

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book, fantasy, novel, novels, teresita blanco -

After getting married, Karina took a break from the schooling nonsense. Her wedding was announced to the school in a little corner of the newspaper. All schools ran their own little presses. Most of the news printed were exaggerated gossips. The one in Karina’s school was no different. Those who ran the newspaper were allowed to make money, they were always looking for the next scoop. It had been a busy weekend, and Karina’s small wedding was not something that sold. Good news rarely warranted the public’s interest. Marduke was not a fan of the newspaper nonsense, but he allowed...

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book, novel, novels, teresita blanco -

A week passed uneventfully. The students returned to their daily happy, routine. From time to time, they saw Karina outside of school, as she went about her nonsense. She was currently making and installing bird houses. Around them, she was planting sunflower seeds, with cardinal climbers. The two plants functioned well together. From time to time, as Karina did her little chores, she would enter a trance, and she would forget where she was, and the people around her. Such trances are common among those who get really into what they are doing, before they know it, the task is...

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book, novel, novels, teresita blanco -

A couple of days passed after the visit. Lucian was at the store minding his own business when Janus appeared with an annoyed look. Frowning he said to him, “You!” “Me, me, what! What! What! I am not afraid of you,” said Lucian raising his fists. “If I wanted to hit you, I would not announce it,” said Janus frowning. “Tat! Sneaky, sneaky, for a preacher’s son,” said Lucian smiling. Janus sat in a chair facing the counter, and he rested his head sideways on the table. Pouting like a little brat, he said, “I don’t even know what we...

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book, novel, novels, teresita blanco -

A couple of days passed, and it came time for class to be held again. Karina had sent by mail a copy of the silly story she had given Lucian. When Lucian heard Janus comment on the matter, Lucian felt a little sad for reasons he did not understand. When Lucian saw Janus at the store, he asked, “How goes the church business?” “It’s not a business!” said Janus annoyed. “Are you making a profit or losing money?” asked Lucian. “Alright, so it might be one,” said Janus. Changing the subject, he asked, “Do you have the packet?” “Here you...

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