The Sacred Mask 5 is Halfway Done

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The Sacred Mask 5 is Halfway Done

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I wanted to give you a progress report of my books. I am almost halfway done with my Sacred Mask 5 book. If you are an Amazon Kindle Reader, you are getting the Sacred Mask 5.

If you are a Barnes and Noble Nook reader, you are getting the Sacred Mask 10, 11 and 12. I like to give Barnes and Nobles my books in shorter editions. I am beta testing something.

There is no need to overthink it. My new book is the first one that follows the Romantic misadventures of a Myrmidon. I introduced Myrmidons in my Sacred Mask 1. They are descendants of aliens.

They lost all their technology and became stranded in planet Earth when a volcano erupted near their capital.

So, they had to rebuild their civilization from scratch. I think I ranted enough about my new book. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Arty Sister, bye, bye and God bless.

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  • Fernando


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