Novels, Short Stories and Poems RSS

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If you own a Nook, rejoice! Teresita Blanco books are getting published in the Nook library. These are the latest editions of my novels. They come with new front covers, and titles. Teresita Blanco | Barnes & Noble® ( They are also 5000 words shorter. I am a big fan of the less is more approach. I am always trimming the fat of all my books. The Saturnastra series is now called the Wonderer Saga. The Sacred Mask is now Sacred Mask. I removed the word “the” from the title. I added a subtitle to the book series. The Sacred...

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My new book is finally in the editing phase. I am satisfied with the ending and the plot. All that is left is for me to trim the fat. It is common for me to take out entire pages. I like to remove useless scenes in order to keep my book, tight and concise. I follow the school of less is more approach. If the scene isn’t amusing or important, then I remove it. I also need to design the front cover. I think I will be able to publish the new book by April. I think I ranted enough...

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I published a new volume of The Furies. This new comic is going to be free on the Kindle, alongside most of my other works. You don’t need Kindle Unlimited for this Giveaway. Complete list of free eBooks: Teresita Blanco: books, biography, latest update The Furies V.8 The Furies V.7 The Furies V.6 The Furies V.5 The Furies V.4 The Furies V.3 The Furies V.2 Complete Short Stories Teresita Blanco’s Complete Words (Poems) My Sweet Vampire Candice The House La Casa 22 Cuentos Gatico Miedoso va a La Escuela Gatico Miedoso Y el Misterio del Wooh The Chiblia V.2...

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For one day, my Scary Cat Children’s books are going to be free on the Kindle. Most of my other books are also going to be free. You do not need the Kindle Unlimited to get this Promo. Here is the whole list: Teresita Blanco: books, biography, latest update The Lovers Pentacle The Sacred Mask 1 The Sacred Mask 2 The Sacred Mask 3 The Sacred Mask 4 Scary Cat and the Search for the OooHHH V.1 Scary Cat Goes to School Scary Cat and Birthday Mime Scary Cat and the Spooky Mansion Saturnastra – Nalini Saturnastra – Marduke...

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They say one should not judge a book by its cover. Sadly, we live in a world where the book cover is what sells the book. Only famous writers can get away with making a terrible front cover. I bet if Steven King used a poop as a front cover, it wouldn’t cause a dent in his sales. For the rest of us mere mortals, a lot of consideration goes into making a front cover. The front cover has to sell you the book, without lying about its content. I normally have three different flavors of front covers. The first...

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