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acrylic, art, painting, pouring -

I made two new pouring paintings. These are the wet forms. I also photographed two painting details. I like my pouring paintings in their wet form. The way they dry is a bit erratic. It all depends on the weather. I could dry them indoors, but mom has issues with the smell. I also have issues with the smell of paint. It is best to have it dry elsewhere. The first painting has the colors of sunset. It was down dutch pouring style. I added the colors before blowing on them with a straw. The second painting was a swipe...

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art, art history, painter -

Like other great romanticism artist, Waterhouse had an interest in medieval legends. That time of spirituality, saints and the bizarre fascinated those skeptic romanticist. They where tired of empty logic devoid of meaning. They sought to escape the new materialism. Thus, the looked into the past to find inspiration. Ok, the first painting features Saint Cecilia (1895). She was a blind saint popular during medieval times. She is know as the patron saint of Music. She was only a young teenage girl when the Romans had her killed (along with her husband). As they prepared to chop her head off,...

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art, art history, painter -

  John William Waterhouse (1849-1917) was part of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. They were a group of artists that imitated the style of Raphael (one of the 4 legendary Renaissance artist). Their lot are contemporaries with the impressionist artists. Some of Waterhouse paintings have an impressionist feel about them. Like his pals, Waterhouse had romantic aspirations. Romanticism came about as a response to the Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment.They where skeptic about the improvements of science. They did not share the naive belief that science would end inequality. They sought to fill a spiritual void created by science. Thus, they looked...

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acrylic, art, cute, painting, pouring -

  There really isn’t much to say about these artworks. This is just the finished results. Once the paints dry, this is what you are left with. I prefer to photograph the wet versions. The wet versions have brighter colors. The dried versions are a tad darker. As it dries, the paint sometimes moves about. So, the finished product may vary from the original artwork. It took about two days for the paints to finish drying. The painting mediums causes the acrylics to take longer to dry. I took the photos before adding the varnish. The varnish makes the paints...

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acrylic, art, cute, painting, pouring -

 These are the final acrylic pouring paintings of the week. Next week, we are doing ink arts. I hope that you find them amusing. I also did a video of my artworks. You can see them in my Artsy Sister Youtube and Tiktok Channels. Let us move things along, shall we. In the first painting, I added the colors in a x formation. When I swiped over it, the red ended up swallowing it most of the colors. It was a real shame. In the second painting, I tried something different. I added the colors in a circle. I then...

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