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acrylic, art, painting, pouring -

I made new pouring art. This one was made on a piece of wood. I started by adding random dots of paints. I then blew on it with a straw. When you are working with paints, make certain to shake the bottles. This will force the pigments to mix again with the pouring medium.   This is only a problem that arises when it has been a while since you used the paints. I took two detail photos. I also did a video for my Artsy Sister Youtube and Tiktok. I hope that you find me new pouring painting amusing....

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acrylic, acrylics, art, painting, pouring -

These are the last pouring arts of the day. You can see the videos of these Artworks in my Artys Sister Titktok and Youtube channels. It is more fun to see how art is made, than to read about it. Even so, here is the blog and some painting details.   I used a wood panel to make the painting. I added a thin layer of titanium white to the panels to keep the painting from sinking. I had ran out of gesso. So, I used regular acrylic paints as gesso. It gets the job done. In the first painting,...

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acrylic, art, painting, pouring -

I made two new pouring painting. I used the Dutch pouring painting technique. I photographed two painting details. I also made a video for both my Artsy Sister Tiktok and Youtube channels. Give them a like, a watch and please subscribe.   The more the merrier. The first painting was done with dots of blue and gold. I added a little bit of white into the mix. This allowed for the paints to move a little better. It didn’t take a lot of acrylic paints to cover the entire wooden board.   I prefer to use wood, instead of a...

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acrylic, acrylics, art, cute, painting, pouring -

I made two new pouring paintings. I also made a video of these artworks. You can check them out in my Artsy Sister Tiktok and Youtube Channels. It has been a bit of a while since I did pouring painting.   So, it was a good a time as any to make these paintings. I photographed the main painting and two details. I think they came out alright. I used wood for these paintings. Wood is smoother than canvas.   I added a bit of white acrylic over the wood to keep the paint from sinking. I think both artworks...

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art, art history, cancun, mexico, tourism, travel -

Today, I wanted to write a blog about some of the nice décor I saw in the Barcelo Maya Palace. When one talks about a resort, it is important to talk about the ambience. It depends on what you consider important.   As for me, I like to look at random decorations and blog about them. The first thing I wanted to talk about are these cute figurines. They are ceramics that are drawn over. Most of them feature faces of maidens in different outfits.   It has quite the peculiar cartoonish style that is quite charming. In the gift...

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