bird RSS

bird, drawing, fashion -

It has been a while since I added a new marker drawing. I made this dress, and many others to practice with the markers. I can see why they cost an arm and a leg. They are truly useful. I am currently working on a new project. It is going to be a children’s book, about a cat. I want to draw the pictures with markers. It will be the first project, I make by adding the colors by hand. I have stayed away from the idea, because I did not trust my own skills. Still, when push comes to...

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bird, drawing, fashion -

Today is a little bit of a mellowed out type of day. I was just not in a going into the gym type of mood. Then again, it is usually hard to work up the mood when you do not drink coffee. The last couple of days have been uneventful. We started watching the Dog Whisperer on Disney Plus. We recently changed Netflix for Disney. Netflix is just a super of a bummer. Political propaganda aside, Netflix just wants to depress people as all. Even their feel good shows have bleak undertones if you look around the background enough. As...

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bird, photo -

Today is a little bit of a movie day. As such, I am a little bit distracted. I am going to just top this one off for now. I hope you like this silly photograph I took. I should post some drawings, but I haven’t a bother to do so. This is just a silly bird I photographed.

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