bird RSS

anime, bird, drawing, drawings, fashion -

It seemed like a good a time as any to show you one of my fancy bird drawings. I like designing pretty dresses from time to time. I want to eventually be skilled enough to design fancy dolls. The problem with that idea lies in my lack of sculpting skills. Also, my painting skills are not as sharp as I would like. I have good control over the pencil, but that is just about it. It is all a learning experience. You live and you learn. As for the bird design, the bird is native to the Sinai Peninsula. It...

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bird, drawing, fashion -

Today seemed just like any other day. We have been trying out luck a bit in the stock market. So far, we have our entire investment. It is a good thing. Aside from that, I have been making a couple of pouring paintings here and there. I am still waiting on one of those doll retailers to answer back. I need to get myself some less expensive hobbies. It is not as if things are going that well in the world as all. Slowly, I need my stockpile to grow to guard against Fortuna. If you don’t know what that...

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bird, drawing, fashion -

This is another one of my fashion drawings based on pretty birds. The one for today is the Palestinian Sunbird. I am almost done with the silly bird collection. In the future, I might tackle other creatures ,like the colorful Jellyfishes. This is something for you folks to look forward to. Anyhow, the bird is pretty common in the Middle East. They like to eat nectar from flowers, like the hummingbird. The only difference is that they prefer to perch on branches to eat. The birds also eats insects. The males tend to have black feathers that shimmer with a...

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bird, drawing, fashion -

It has been quite a bit since I last posted. I have been spacing them out a bit, because I can only seem to write well at night. Since there are only so many hours in the day, I must employ my time well. The book that I have been working on is about 90 percent complete. I need to get around to publishing the other volumes of the Saturnastra series. For the moment, I am working on a children’s book. I have about two pages done. I am coloring all the pages with markers, and other markers, because markers...

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ballerina, bird, drawing, fashion -

This is another one of my nice anime drawings based on pretty birds. The maiden is wearing a dress I designed based on that bird. The more common name for the bird is the red billed streamertail or the doctor bird. It is a type of hummingbird. It has a lot of nice coloring, and a lovely tail as well. The bird is indigenous to Jamaica and it is also the national bird as well. These feathers make a nice humming sound, as the little bird flies. Only the males with the long tail feathers get the ladies. As to...

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