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ballerina, ballet, bjd, cute, doll, dolls, photo, photos -

I did a new bjd doll photoshoot. I rummaged through my ballerina dresses. I realized that my Elizabeth had yet to sport the black swan dress. The outfit required a bit of mending. I had to tie a ribbon around her waist. This allowed for the dress to fit closely into her To compliment the red ribbon, I had her wear red socks. This gave her quite the stunning contrast of colors. I had a cute little cape. The cape had red and black elements. This helped to tie all the elements together. For a wig, I chose silver grey....

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adorable, bjd, cute, doll, dragon, photo, photos -

It has been a while since I photographed my cute little dragon doll. She was made by dream valley. I asked them to make her with red wings. She normally came with grey, blue wings. I think the change suits her well. Everything looks better in red. Due to her unique anatomy, it is always difficult to find her outfits that fit her. She is small. However, she has a pretty Barbie hourglass shape. So, I have to tie the dress down with a ribbon. This allows the outfit to fit closer to her form. The outfit and wig were...

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adorable, bjd, cute, doll, photo, photos -

I did a new bjd doll photoshoot. It decided to photograph my new doll Jeremy.   The outfit he is sporting was made by Gem of Doll. The wig is from Dollmore.   His head is the same size as most ¼ dollmore dolls. It is useful to have dolls of similar built.   It makes clothing shopping easy. This outfit came with the new doll.   I felt like it was a good a time as any for him to sport the outfit.   It has a lot of small moving parts. The entire look makes me think of...

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adorable, bjd, cute, doll, kawaii, photo, photos -

It has been a while since I photographed my cute Lilian Doll.   I think I should figure out a doll photography schedule. I mostly chose the dolls I photograph based on my whim.   Today, I am in a goat type of mood. So, I decided to photograph my Lilian doll.   She is a cute little faun. The horns can be removed as well as the ears.   Her eyes are a little dark and creepy. I have been meaning to change up the look of her eyes.   They look fine. However, they look a bit hollow...

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adorable, bjd, cute, doll, dolls, photo, photos, pretty -

It has been a while since I photographed this tiny doll.   She is the smallest doll in my collection. She can wear Chelsea Barbie outfits.   She also shares outfits with my LOL Surprise dolls.   It is always useful for my dolls to have similar dress sizes.   It saves me a lot of trouble in the long run. This is not important.   The focus is on the doll herself. I dressed up the set a little bit.   I used the Barbie background that came with a box.   It has a simple marble background. I...

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Artsy's Choice