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It has been a while since I photographed my blue fairy doll. I found a nice spring dress that fits her just right. So, this is what she is wearing. It is a bit difficult to find outfits for my Doll chateau dollies. Even so, I am making the best with what I got. There is nothing that ribbons can’t fix.   Anyhow, I took standing, sitting and portrait photos. She has quite the interesting looking high heels. They are biologically fussed to her legs. So, I cannot change the shoes she wears. They are sculpted into her leg. This makes...

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bjd, cute, doll, dolls, dragon, photo, photos -

I did a new bjd doll photoshoot. I dressed my lovely dragon doll in a bikini. She wears the same outfit size as the Barbie. The problem is finding an outfit that accommodates well her wings and tail. After looking through my doll dresses, I found this little number. She looks quite adorable in her swimsuit. She can now go have fun with all the other Spring Breakers in Miami. Then again, Spring Breakers be crazy. They break a lot of stuff. That is why they are called Spring Breakers. All joking aside, I hope that this cute little outfit...

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bjd, cute, doll, elf, photo, photos -

I got some new bjd doll outfits. It was a random lucky bag. I didn’t get to chose what was inside. It is what you expect of a bargain deal from Dollmore. The good news is that I finally figured out the dress size for my elf bjd doll. The boots seem to fit him pretty alright. The skirt and the shirt also look nice on him as well. To compliment the skit, I added the purple wig. I think he came out pretty nice looking. I am not picky about what my dolls wear. What is important is that...

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In some parts of the world, it is winter. So, I decided to do a winter spring photoshoot. The doll has the colors of springs, but she is dressed for the winter. She looks positively adorable in her cute pink outfit. The cape with ribbons also provides extra protection from the elements. As you can tell, I like the color pink a lot. It is a pity that there are not a lot of pink bjd doll outfits out there. I must make do with what I have. There are some things that cannot be helped. Let us move things...

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A new dress arrived for my Coral Reef bjd doll. This was the clown outfit of one of their dolls. I was in the mood to get a new bjd doll. Since I have a lot of dolls, I just opted to order a fancy dress instead. It took a while to arrive. Then again, they say that good things come to those who wait. Putting on the dress was a bit of a pain. The outfit had a lot of moving parts. I started with the under dress. I added the corsage, the ribcage and then the skirt. The...

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Artsy's Choice