BJD Pink Winter Spring Cutie

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BJD Pink Winter Spring Cutie

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In some parts of the world, it is winter. So, I decided to do a winter spring photoshoot. The doll has the colors of springs, but she is dressed for the winter. She looks positively adorable in her cute pink outfit.

The cape with ribbons also provides extra protection from the elements. As you can tell, I like the color pink a lot. It is a pity that there are not a lot of pink bjd doll outfits out there.

I must make do with what I have. There are some things that cannot be helped. Let us move things along. I took standing, sitting and portrait photos. The background wasn’t all too distracting.

I hope you find the new photos of the doll endearing. I have been making significant progress with my new book. I am roughly around the middle point of the book. I am still world building.

I haven’t decided what type of book it is going to be. For now, it seems like a sci fi family drama. I think I ranted about books and dolls for one day.

I made a video of this photoshoot for my Tiktok and Artsy Sister channels. Please like and subscribe. My name is Teresita Blanco. The Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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