Photography RSS

flower, flowers, photo, photography, photos -

If I see a flower, I am compelled to photograph it. I never get tired of photographing flowers. They are ephemeral. You will never see the same flower twice. Of course, the way to tell flowers apart is to have a photographic record of all the flowers you have ever ran into. Most of my floral photography takes place in my garden. I have a couple of rose bushes and a papaya tree. I used to have more variety, but times are trying. I have been working more on my books and my art. For this reason, I have neglected...

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bjd, doll, photo, photography, photos, toys -

I recently bought 3 little dresses for my newest doll Ha Seol. I bought them from the same parent company that made the doll, Dollmore. I also got for her about 4 new wigs. The wigs and the dresses came in a timely fashion. They were all perfect fits. Puttin' on the Ritz.  She has been baptized as Odette. It is the same name as the princess from the Swan Lake.  To decide the look for the new stop motion video, I did a photoshoot. She does the dance breaks after all. I tried different poses in different angles of...

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moon, photo, photography, photos -

A couple of days ago, they said there was going to be a lunar eclipse. We went out to see it, but then we got bored and paranoid. It turns out that the eclipse was only going to be visible at 4 a.m. Since that is prime mugging hour, we returned home to go to sleep. Most lunar related stuff usually occurs at the most inconvenient of times. Still, I did manage to take a couple of decent photos. Most of the good photos were taken when a cloud passed by. This is going to be a long weekend. It...

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bjd, Christmas, holiday, photo, photography, photos, xmas -

The year 2020 is almost over. It started pretty nicely, and then everything went sour. Sometimes they lift you up, in order to smack you against the floor with great speed. After January, things have been pretty hectic, and sometimes intolerable. With the staying at home nonsense, I got a couple of new books published here and there. I also started doll theater. I have been getting a little better with Doll Theater as time progresses. Some skits are good, and others are ok. It is all a matter of straying creative. I think for next year, I am going...

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flower, photography -

This is another one of my pretty Hibiscus flowers. Yesterday, the flowers bloomed rather nicely. I have been taking care of the garden in quite a serious fashion. Today, I am schedule to do a bit of maintenance. I am going to feed the plants some milk and some more miracle growth. I am still working a bit around the edges. I woke up a bit bored around the edges. I just want to do something else with my time and life and whatnot. Anyhow, I took a bunch of pictures of my flowers. I took a photo of a...

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Artsy's Choice