hollow knight RSS

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I did a new Hollow knight poll. I had my fans pick from 4 horror movie classics. The winner of the poll was creature of the black lagoon. It took me a while to pick a Hollow knight character to play the creature. I ended up choosing the Hunter. He is from Greenpath. Greenpath has an acid lake. Like the creature, he likes to hunt. I figured that he would steal Emilitia. She was just sunbathing in Greenpath when the creature took a liking to her.  He took her before running away into the acid lake. He has Isma’s Tear...

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I did a new Hollow knight poll. I wanted to decide what the Hollow knight characters should wear. The winner of the poll was Haute. After browsing the internet, I chose three haute dresses that looked interesting. The one in red is pretty weird looking, but fun. She almost looks like a stand user. I have above the photographic references for this fanarts. Whenever I am making a dress fanart, I usually like to dress up the Mantis Lords. They have the perfect fashion bodies.  It hope that you find my new fanarts amusing. It was a lot of fun...

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I made a new Hollow Knight fanart. Here the characters are playing pool. The main character is Quirrel. He pierced through the pool table. Hornet is telling him to get good. Salubra is just chilling in the background. Grimm is pitching a fit because that is his pool table. Disaster always happens when they gather together for game night. The collector is also watching the game. He is always there trying to hustle.  However, pool is more of a skill game. So, it might be harder for him to do a little scheme. The painting was made by Arthur Sarnoff....

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I did a new Hollow Knight fanart. The theme was fairy tale princesses. I did a poll to decide who was going to be fairy tale. The winner of the poll was Cinderella. I chose Hornet to play Cinderella. Like the maiden, she lost her mother at a young age. Due to her father’s stupidity, she lost everything. So, she was put to work. While Cinderella was a maid, Hornet had to play knight. Despite the hardships, both maidens never lost the will to live. I looked through a lot of paintings of Cinderella. I didn’t want to do a...

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I made a new Hollow knight fanart. The theme was horror movie posters. I did a poll in my Artsy Sister Youtube. The winner of that poll was Army of Darkness. I guess a lot of folks wanted to see a Hollow knight version of that movie poster. I looked through all the Hollow Knight characters. In the end, I chose the impure vessel to play Ash from Evil Dead. Both lost an arm. I figured that the Impure vessel would replace it with a chainsaw. He learned all about Chainsaws from his father. The chick sitting beside him is...

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