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Today, I wanted to show you some of my flower photos. I take a dozen or so photos when the opportunity arises. It has been raining a lot. So, I haven’t been able to get out much. This weekend I stayed at home. I made a few watercolors, but that is a topic for another blog. Most of my floral photographs feature roses. Whenever my rose bushes produce a flower, I photograph it. They always look different. The differences can only be appreciated if you look at all the photographs together. If I visit someone else’s gardens, I also photograph...

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The Summer has finally arrived to South Florida. I have gotten into the habit of doing a monthly report on the plants. A good portion have gone the way of the dodo. It is all a learning experience. I am still struggling with the pumpkins. I have managed to get them to bloom. All I need now is to get a single pumpkin to start growing. All I want is at least one pumpkin. If the pumpkin crop turns out to be a failure, I will plant instead bell peppers. I have a lot of bell pepper seeds. I have...

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It has finally happened! The tomato vines finally have a decently visible tomatoes. If things continue well, I might become independent of buying Publix tomatoes. A well-cared for tomato plant always increases in value. I suppose most folks do not find tomatoes all that exiting. It is just my ordinary life as all. As far as things that can actually come to pass, I have plenty of reasonable goals. When I was wee small, I wanted normal type of things. Think of the most mundane goals, and there you have it. Being a writer was not even part of the...

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