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Frederic Chopin Polonaises Lazar Berman Piano Deutsche Grammophon Stereo Side 1 No.1 in C Sharp Minor, OP 26 No.1 Allegro Appasionato No.2 in E flat minor, Op 26 no.2 Maestoso No.3 in A major, op 40 no.1 Allegro con brio Side 2 No.4 in C minor op 40 no.2 allegro maestoso No.5 in f sharp minor op.44 without tempo indication No. 6 in a flat major, op 53 maestoso Bio When Chopin was a young man in Poland, polonaise was a popular aristocratic dance. Several composers made their reputation with ballroom polonaises. Chopin also followed in suit. His earliest specimens...

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classical music, guitar, music, piano, review, vinyl -

I was starting to get bored of modern music. It was then when I remembered that I have a huge vinyl record collection. The FIU library was giving them away for free. Since I used to work in the library, I was allowed to take as many as I wanted, so I took the entire cart. It was quite the trip to lug so many records halfway across the school. It was a right place at the right time scenario. Anyhow, today I listed to two vinyl records, both sides of them. Each vinyl record can only fit about an...

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dance, florida, music, photo, photos, review, tourism, travel -

This weekend I went to Universal Orlando with my mom and my brother. We thought we were going to have the park to ourselves. Turns out we were wrong. We started the trip on Friday, in order to be inside the park on Saturday. It took us about 6 hours to get to our Hotel in Kissimmee. There was a lot of traffic, and all the rest stops were full. This was but a hint of what was to come. I am not going to rant about the hotel. That is a topic for a different blog. Once we were...

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drawing, illustration, music -

Today, I made a nice anime drawing featuring the Sitar instrument. It is a Hindu classical music instrument. It evolved from the tanbur music instruments. It gained popularity during the early reign Mughal Empire (1526-1707). This instrument was often played in the court. It was used in Persian and Hindu melodies. Overtime, it gained its modern shape. The tuning of the instrument varies from school to school. It gained modern popularity thanks to the Beatles. It still gets played outside of India, in World Music. The Sitar is synonymous with 60s music, with hundreds of rock bands making use of...

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anime, drawing, instrument, music -

The Rebab is an interesting string instrument. It was spread through Islamic trading routes. It is one of the oldest bowed instruments. The first one appeared in the 8th century. There are three main types. The one I drew is the spike fiddle variant. It is normally made of parchment or sheepskin. The instrument is normally used to play the basic melody. The instrument doesn’t have a standardized scale. It is normally played with the buka, as part of an ensemble of music. In Malaysia, the rebab is important for traditional music. It is also played for healing ritual mass...

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