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cute, drawing, fashion, instrument, red hair -

The trombone is a common instrument, but not the most popular. It is usually used a bit as a gimmick. As far as horn instruments, the trumpet is the more popular instrument. Still, the trombone has a place in marching bands, and even in the opera. I think now I will mention something about this brass instrument’s past. The instrument uses slides in order to produce different pitches. The instrument was invented in the 15th century. The name trombone means big trumpet in Italian. Back then, it was known by many names till the word trombone became more commonplace in...

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anime, bird, drawing, drawings, fashion -

It seemed like a good a time as any to show you one of my fancy bird drawings. I like designing pretty dresses from time to time. I want to eventually be skilled enough to design fancy dolls. The problem with that idea lies in my lack of sculpting skills. Also, my painting skills are not as sharp as I would like. I have good control over the pencil, but that is just about it. It is all a learning experience. You live and you learn. As for the bird design, the bird is native to the Sinai Peninsula. It...

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drawing, fashion, markers -

This is quite the nice anime drawing of mine. It features a maiden themed after a Hawk Eagle. The eagle is native to the forest in Java, Indonesia. The silly bird is endangered because they like to nest in specific trees. If they were not so pesky about it, they could actually thrive. It is the ability to adapt to new things is what helps a creature thrive. On other news, I got myself a new flower bed. I will talk more about it tomorrow. I wanted to post a little short blog for today. We did some house calls,...

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bird, drawing, fashion -

Today seemed just like any other day. We have been trying out luck a bit in the stock market. So far, we have our entire investment. It is a good thing. Aside from that, I have been making a couple of pouring paintings here and there. I am still waiting on one of those doll retailers to answer back. I need to get myself some less expensive hobbies. It is not as if things are going that well in the world as all. Slowly, I need my stockpile to grow to guard against Fortuna. If you don’t know what that...

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bid, bir, drawing, fashion -

This is a nice anime drawing of mine. It features a maiden with a dress akin to the Northern Goshawk. I also added the same colors to the facial makeup. The goshawk is a type of Raptor. During the middle ages, only the nobles were able to own these type of falcons. This bird lives in the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. The goshawk mainly likes to eat doves and pigeons. The silly birds can live up to 27 years. I think this is enough information on the pretty bird. I chose to design the dress on the bird...

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