florida keys RSS

florida keys, halloween, photo -

A couple of years ago, some of mother's friends took us to the Florida Keys during Halloween. She went along with them because she was curious about the place. As for me, I went because I usually have to go everywhere with my folk. They do not like having fun without me. I spent most of my time taking photos of people as we walked about. I did not dressed up because it was all in such short notice. I was also not much in the mood for making a spectacle of myself. This photo was taken close to sunset....

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florida keys, Photography -

This photo features the house that is the Southernmost in the United States. It was made in 1900s. The current owners are the Ramos-Lopez family. They are one of the oldest merchant families in Florida. They were first established in St. Augustine during the Spanish colonial period, around the 1600s. This is just about all I know of the house. It has its historical information in a sign outside. I wonder if it is still there. I like those old colonial houses. I lived in one a long time ago. It was yellow, with white doors. That was a little...

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florida, florida keys -

It is interesting the kinds of things that most cameras can manage. Most people leave the camera on auto and call it quits. It is important for people to get acquainted with the little M for manual features of the camera. Most artificial intelligences are pretty foolish, seeing as thought they were programmed by very foolish people indeed. Remember that Uber robot that ran over a pedestrian? Now the silly computer is like "I did not see the old woman coming". This goes to show that the US streets were not meant for pedestrians, when even a robot with 1000...

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