flowers RSS

flowers, photo -

Today, it has been a bit windy around the edges. This makes it hard for the flowers to keep their nice look. It is a good thing I took a photo of the flowers back when it looked nice like. I am just a little bit mellowed out around the edges. I just watered them a bit. I do so enjoy watering the plants a bit. There is much to consider around the edges. I have to go to the gym today and I feel a little bit fat around the edges. The pizza was good, but I feel gorged....

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flowers, photo, purple -

Today is Monday and I am a bit mellowed out around the edges. The rose bush opened up a different flower. Most people take for granted the daily miracle of flowers blooming. They are just that amassing. What isn’t a miracle is the presence of the bumblebee. They are an invasive species in the Americas. We have regular bees. They are always been bullied by the bumblebees.   People make it an issue the lost of bumblebees because they produce honey. People only value things that they find useful. I prefer things because of their aesthetic beauty and personality. These...

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flowers, photo, sunset -

Every so often, I take photos of the garden. I need a lot more flowers to vary the photos I take. The flowers look quite photogenic close to sunset. I fed the Hibiscus some milk. The flowers are starting to turn orange. This makes them look rather interesting. I took the photo a couples after watering the plants. I usually water the flowers with the mist setting. Using other settings hurt the more delicate flowers. One of the flowers I photographed was being held by a spider web. It became noticeable when I sprayed the water to it a bit....

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flowers, garden -

This is some cute flowers and the like. I do not know which types of flowers they are. There is way too many flowers out there to keep track of them. For a while, I have been desiring to get a book on flowers. However, I haven't much the bother with it. I do admire people who have the time to learn many different things. However, the time spent learning is time one could spend doing things. I never did quite believe in the whole Multi-tasking myth. People always think they can do many things at once. However, they are...

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flowers, photo -

This is a photo I took of flowers in a lobby. I was waiting to enter a restaurant inside a hotel. One can tell plenty about a place based on their attention to detail. These are true flowers. They had a faint fragrant smell, with a lovely texture as well. I like flowers, it is always nice to see the real deal instead of the plastic ones. I do not know what type of flower this is.  Lately, for my poetry books I decided to paint a fancy cover. I do not have much experience with paints. During one of...

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