Hibiscus at Sunset

flowers, photo, sunset -

Hibiscus at Sunset

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Every so often, I take photos of the garden. I need a lot more flowers to vary the photos I take. The flowers look quite photogenic close to sunset. I fed the Hibiscus some milk. The flowers are starting to turn orange.

This makes them look rather interesting. I took the photo a couples after watering the plants. I usually water the flowers with the mist setting. Using other settings hurt the more delicate flowers.

artsy sister,teresita blanco,hibiscus

One of the flowers I photographed was being held by a spider web. It became noticeable when I sprayed the water to it a bit. It was just incidental, when I noticed it. The other flowers look a little orange.

I think this is just about it as far as my photos are concerned. When I was little, the park had a lot of Hibiscus flowers. They were all red. I have been thinking of getting a different color flower. It would certainly balance the composition.

artsy sister,mar pacifico,hibiscus

I want to have a fancy flower garden. This is getting a little hard around the edges because a spider has made web during the unplanted section of the garden. I want to add some shade plants. Well, moving along shall we. See you later then.

The next flowers are going to be different and they will be taken close to sunset. They are all growing rather nicely despite being the winter. Then again, winter in Florida is just the drought season.

 artsy sister, mar pacifico,teresita blanco


artsy sister,huge wallpaper,floral

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artsy sister,teresita blanco,hibiscus

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