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fanart, game, hollow knight, humor, movie, painting, parody -

Today, I decided to a movie poster parody. My mother had suggested this poster to me after seeing me play the Hollow Knight. Like Forrest Gump, a lot of the action in the Hollow Knight takes place in the bench. I chose Quirrel to parody Forrest Gump because he is an exposition fairy. He always rants to whoever sits down beside him. The Chibi Knight couldn’t be Forrest because he is a silent protagonist.   Well…he stops being silent once he learns Soul Shriek. His brother the Hollow Knight has a similar scream attack. Like Forrest, Quirrel enters the danger...

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art history, game, hollow knight, humor, painting -

Today, I made a new Hollow Knight fanart. After looking through a bunch of famous paintings, I decided to do a reference to a famous Van Eyck Painting called the Arnolfini Portrait or Wedding. This painting is famous because of all the small details in the portrait. The original shows a couple in their bedchamber. They are about to consummate their union. Both are barefooted as shown by the shoes scattered about the bedroom. The wife is in the process of raising her skirt, to show her willingness to reproduce with her husband. There is a mirror in the middle...

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fanart, game, games, hollow knight, humor, painting, parody -

Today, I got around to making my new Hollow Knight parody. This one took a little longer to make because I had a lot of characters to work with. I was making a parody of a painting called A Friend in Need, 1903. This painting was made by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge. Coolidge did an entire painting series of Dogs playing poker. From all his poker dog paintings, I chose the one I liked best for my Hollow Knight parody. Aside from poker, Coolidge has his dogs playing pool and other betting games. In my version, I had the Hollow Knight...

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game, hollow knight, humor, painting, parody, review -

I did a new Hollow Knight Marilyn Monroe Parody. In this one, I am making fun of the famous Marylin Monroe photo where her skit is lifted up by a gust of wind. The wind is coming up from the sewer. So, I guess the Ninja Turtles where down there with a fan, waiting for the woman to stand on top of them. In my version, I am using Emilitia as a stand in for Marylin Monroe. This isn’t the first time I have drawn Emilitia as Marilyn. I feel that of all the Hollow Knight characters, she would be...

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funny, hollow knight, humor, painting, parody -

Today, I got around to finishing my latest Hollow Knight parody. It was about time I poked fun at the Mona Lisa. It is the most famous painting in the world. It is also the one everyone parodies. So, here is my version. I chose the fluke hermit because she is just a mouth. With no eyes or nose, all you can do is focus on her mouth. I added the teeth into her smile. It is funny to imagine what the Mona Lisa’s teeth would look like. Back then, humans didn’t have good dental hygiene. In places like China,...

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