instrument RSS

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I made a new anime drawing of mine. It features the instrument called the Ektara. It is a Hindu music instrument. The instrument is still being used today. It is used in the performances of the Ramayana. It is also used to sing and to pray. It comes in one and two versions. The instrument is made of bamboo. It can come in three different versions. Well, this is about it. I published a new book. It is called the Sacred Mask. You folks should check it out. It is completely different from what I usually write, and it is...

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anime, drawing, instrument, music -

I made a new sketch featuring the Esraj music instrument. The instrument was made in India, about 300 years ago. It is very similar to a Sitar. Only that it uses a bow. The instrument is a modernized version of the Dilruba. It was a smaller version, that made it more convenient to be carried on horseback. By the 1980s, the instrument was barely played. It regained popularity through the Gurmat Sangeet movement. The Rabindranath Tagore made learning this instrument a requirement. These days this instruments is pretty well known in India. I hope you find this information useful. This...

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anime, drawing, instrument -

This is a new anime drawing of mine. It features the doshpuluur music instrument. It is a type of Tuvan lute made of pine. It can be plucked or strummed. There are two versions of the music instrument. One looks like a trapezoid, and the other one is shaped like a soundbox. They normally have two strings, but they can have up to four. I hope you find the information about this instrument amusing. The drawing was made with coloring pencils, and some fine liner markers. I bought some new doll clothing. I hope you find the new photoshoot with...

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The clavichord is a beautiful keyboard. It was quite popular from the Middle Ages to the Baroque period. One can see a nice version of one in the Vermeer paintings. Whenever one opens, it features a beautiful painting on the interior lid. It was often used as a practice instrument. It wasn’t loud enough to be used in large performances. The instrument makes brass like sounds. The name is derived from the words Clavis and Chorda. The words mean key and string. The instrument was invented in the early fourteenth century, in Germany. The sound of the instrument still appears...

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anime, drawing, instrument, music -

This drawing features quite the elegant musical instrument. It goes by the name of Dan Tranh. The Dan Tranh is originally from Vietnam. It is based on the Guzheng of China. It can be played alone or with other musical instruments. Folks can also sing to this musical instrument. The Dan Tranh first appeared around the late 13th century. The original version had 14 strings. Around the 19th century, the 16 string version became the standard model. The musicians play the instrument with the right hand, and they bend the strings with the left hand. The traditional form of playing...

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