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fanart, game, games, hollow knight, movie, movies, painting, poster -

Today, I did a new Hollow Knight fanart. This one is also Halloween theme. It is a movie poster parody of the Shawshank Redemption. There is nothing more terrifying than the very real possibility of being sent to prison for a crime you didn’t commit. In the world of the Hollow knight, Hornet gets accused of a murder she didn’t commit. While in prison, she makes friends with the Mantis Traitor. I gave her a little hat. This makes her look more like Morgan Freeman. One day, Hornet hatches a plan to escape. She meets up with her friend in...

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cute, fanart, game, hollow knight, movie, movies, painting -

Today, I did a new Hollow Knight fanart. It is a parody of the movie poster of Jaws. In my version, it is Claws. It is fun to imagine classical movies with Hollow Knight characters reacting to the situations. Hornet plays the role of the lovely lady that was the first victim of the Shark Jaws. It is funny. Nobody in the movie calls the shark Jaws. Instead of a shark, I used a Centipede. They are called Garpede in the Hollow Knight World. They are practically indestructible.   They are more common in Deep Nest. This one is immune...

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fanart, game, games, hollow knight, movie, movies, painting, poster -

Today, I did a new Hollow Knight fanart. It is a parody of the Pulp Fiction movie poster. Instead of Pulp Fiction, I called it Bug Fiction. I was between using Emilitia or Hornet for this cover. I ended up settling for Emilitia.   She is a bit of a troll. She seems like the type of woman that would playfully torment the underlings of her rich, gangster husband. Once I chose the character, all that was left was to make the drawing. Despite looking simple, it was pretty difficult to execute.   There is a lot of foreshortening in...

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game, hollow knight, humor, movie, movies, painting -

Today, I got around to making a new Hollow Knight fanart. I was making a parody of an old movie poster. The movie is called How to Marry a Millionaire? I used the Mantis Lords as stand ins for the actresses that show up in the movie poster.   It had been a while since I made a new Hollow Knight fanart. I was unwell up until recently. A mysterious illness made my elbows and knees swell. This made it impossible for me to draw and write.   Thankfully, I got better with the help of powerful antibiotics. So, I...

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fanart, game, hollow knight, movie, movies, painting -

Today, I did a silly new Hollow Knight parody. I was getting bored of making painting references, so I decided to reference a movie. In this one, I am mimicking the movie poster of the movie the Birds. The Birds is a famous movie by Alfred Hitchcock. One day, all the birds start attacking humans. They take breaks every so often, before starting again. In the world of the Hollow Knight, the equivalent of those aggressive birds are the Belflies. You first encounter them in the City of Tears.   They attack the player as soon as you approach them....

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