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  Diego Velazquez made his painting career as a court painter. In his early years, he distinguished himself for his genra paintings. That was a type of painting theme that focused on the poor. Once he made a name for himself, some influential friends helped him become the court painter of Phillip IV. Above, we see Velazquez's earliest painting. It is simply a profile of a man. Usually, such profiles were painted with the sitter in a stoic expression. Velazquez choose to have his character with a surprised expression. Thus, this early portrait was full of both realism and emotion....

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art history, painter -

Now, onto Peter Paul Rubens' saint paintings. You may be wondering or not, who is St. Catherine getting betrothed to. Entering a monastery was like a wedding. However, you married God instead of a man of flesh and blood. Here the saints are coming to see St. Catherine getting  Betrothed  to God. Even, the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus came to see her. She is the maiden kneeling before baby Jesus. St. Jerome is always painted in a meditating pose. It seems that lions and cherubs where always hanging out in his hermitage. He is barefooted to show his humility....

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art history, painter -

Here is the first Portrait by Peter Paul Rubens. In the Baroque period, for the most part, Portraits where supposed to tell you something about the subject. It was either their power or personality. Here we see a prominent textile merchant of Persian rugs. He is standing over one of his fancy rugs. He is dressed like a Persian. His pose stands for power. His gaze is penetrating. This is one formidable fellow. In this painting, we see a random scholar. He has a book in his hand. He seems like he is about to speak. The scenery is reminds...

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art history, painter -

Frankly, I could not find a Category for these three paintings. They are the best example of dynamic baroque. The first painting is called the Lion Hunt. Here we see European knights hunting with a black slave. One of the slaves fell and got bitten by a lion. The horses look completely wild. As for the hunters, they are calmed and focused. For the most part, hunting is a manly game. It was also a favorite rich guy hobby. Here we see strong me hunting a dangerous game. The stormy sky adds to the effect. Rubens knew how to paint...

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Other than Godly paintings, Rubens painted pagan Gods. Ever since the renaissance, mythical paintings have been extremely popular.  The first painting shows the Goddess Thetis and Minerva. Both are sitting on top of globes for some reason. Well, Thetis is more of a minor goddess or a nymph. Her symbol, the row, is by her side. She also wears her queenly crown. She is the ruler of all the ocean water nymphs. Minerva is the goddess of justice. She sports a warrior spear and helmet. She is a warrior goddess, far stronger than Mars. In this scene, Thetis is asking...

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